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mayaToCorona 0.47

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Hey Haggi, I have vray installed.

Yeah, that's a problem. The reason is that maya does not have a built in way to overwrite the  commonGlobalsTab. There are different ways to approach this problem, either you recreate the whole thing from scratch, that's the way Arnold and myself is doing it, or - the vray way - you overwrite the system mel files. In other words, I cannot guarantee that the plugin works with together if other other plugins are loaded. That's the simple conclusion.

Hi j(eff?)patton and haggi,

  I also had the same problem in the past with many other renderers.  Usually the render settings window was opening but one tab was missing, just changing tab was helping to recreate the problem.  But I guess if you post that you just can't access any render setting at all...

  I had this kind of problem with arnold and especially with octane.  Octane was creating objects custom attributes that were interfering heavily with other renderers or could mess up the scene when you did not have octane loaded or available on your system.  The problem was so bad in my case that I stopped using octane in big part because of this - it was crashing scenes and preventing me tu operate maya without octane installed or loaded!...

  Anyway, trying to be not too long, vray creates custom attributes too, so if you're shading a scene in corona that was originally in vray, you might have some custom attributes on your objects that conflict with corona...  And this could mess up your render settings - I've seen this in Arnold.

  So, what I mean to say is that there is a chance that you cannot resolve this issue if you are interacting with objects that have been previously loaded in another renderer, maybe because of objects custom attributes that corona cannot deal with.  Maybe this is not the case but I have seen this before : )

Hey Haggi,

The batch rendering doesn't seem to work in this version..
I also get a crash when I try to go to a different frame while IPR rendering..

"About Corona" gives me the following error
"# Error: IndexError: file C:\Program Files\Corona\mayaToCorona\scripts\Corona\ line 36: list index out of range # "
Not important I know but thought I should let you know anyway.

Using maya 2016 on the latest version of windows 10 (64Bit) btw.


Thanks, I'll have a look.


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