Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Feature Requests

Allow global volume material to not affect alpha or to exclude objects

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I get it... basically, the global volume material is a thing occluding an object behind it. but used as an atmospheric effect, it would be cool to have the "always black" materials not affected by the foggy atmosphere. or is there a good workaround already?

anyways... this would be a nice feature for the future


Are we talking about the "global fog" (accessible from the Scene tab), or a box/other geometry with Corona Volume Material?
You would like the fog to be visible to the alpha channel (non-black), but some specific object to be pure black, even if it's inside the fog?
Or would you like the fog to be invisible (pure black) and that specific object to be pure black as well?

I had the same issue. With global fog enabled, distant object would fade away in masks. The best solution would be to add the same masking options as the CoronaMtl has, so users can decide how volumetric materials would contribute to mask output. A hard-coded black or white behavior would be limiting depending on what you need.


yes, we are talking about global fog. the fog already does not contribute to the background alpha but it does alter the objects' alpha that have been explicitly set to "render black alpha" in there materials. for the global volume material, i dont want it to contribute to the alpha at all. at the moment, this would be true: "Or would you like the fog to be invisible (pure black) and that specific object to be pure black as well?"...

So I would add a "Ignore global fog for masks/alphas" or something like this...

at the end - a user here had this issue and wondered why the hell an object still showed up in the alpha as gray although it was set to be black all the time...

any news?


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