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[C4D] I need help! / Re: Corona Shadow Catcher for interior
« Last post by CambridgeCreative on Yesterday at 10:43:15 »
Have you thought about applying the background photo onto your CGI model of the room using a corona material with frontal projection? If the camera is setup so your CGI model matches the room in the photo, and you recreate light placements as in the photo, i can only imagine you will get a decent result. I tend to only use shadow catcher materials on ground planes for product visualisations on white backgrounds or where I know the shadows won't cast onto walls and furniture in a room.
Hi Benjamin,

I think that none of this solutions is what I'm looking for. I don't need to separate gems from the silver bracelet. I need to render gems only because I need to generate bloom and glare only on them.
Since I couldn't spend lot of time on this I did it by exporting an alembic with all the objects separated, I was able to do the trick but it was a little messy in terms of file management.
I am also checking on this. It is crucial to get info on whether dual CPU systems will be better optimized or not.
We had great experience with:

Supports tours from krPano and Pano2VR.
[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Support for AMD GPU Denoiser ?
« Last post by tuami on Yesterday at 08:54:26 »
No developments on this front at the moment. We plan to revisit denoising and do a general overhaul (but not for 12) of everything, including UI, so we'd look into the generalization of the Intel denoiser then.

sounds good :) thanks for the clarification
I wasn't aware of the capability to read subdirectories. Thank you all.

However, I do find one aspect of the archive feature cumbersome: sometimes, after archiving, not all assets are collected, resulting in missing ones. There are no Missing Paths, and I use assets from three different drives: C, D, and network drives. Are there any precautions I should be aware of? I sometimes struggle with issues related to assets not being archived.
Gallery / Sorry, We're closed (analog machiatto)
« Last post by tresde on Yesterday at 02:50:06 »
Interior lighting personal study. Scene and models by iuliiakizi
Max+ Chaos Corona +Ps
Full set of images here

A 3ds Max scene automatically "reads" its current directory and all the sub-directories. There is no need to repath assets if they are placed in this way.

If you want the asset tracker to show the exact path of the asset, you can right click and set path to absolute.
I didn't know it could be done that easily... I have a question: What's the difference between the "OK" and "Found" status in asset tracking?

OK means the texture is pathed correctly.

Found means the texture is not pathed (or pathed to a previous directory), but has been found in a directory below the 3dsmax file. For example:
\ 3dsmax.max file
\\ some directory
\\\ texture.jpg


\ 3dsmax.max file
\\ some directory
\\\ some other directory
\\\ texture.jpg

I didn't know it could be done that easily... I have a question: What's the difference between the "OK" and "Found" status in asset tracking?
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