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Topics - JoachimArt

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[Scatter] Feature Requests / Animation offset
« on: 2024-05-22, 21:07:12 »
Since CHaos scatter support animations, it would have been awesome if you could do time offsets so that you can f.instance animate a grass and offset for less repetition. Like Forest Pack has.

It would have been an awesome feature if you could have a button in the Corona Multimap for batch importing a ton of selected images from a folder in the right order, so they are automatically attached to the nodes. Currently I don't know a way to do that without dragging all textures into max material and attach them one by one, which is a lot of boring work.

It would have been nice if Corona Scene converter had a button for Making the Normal -y +y on all selected objects with one click, the same way it has a button for gamme fix.

I suddenly have a problem that I have not experienced before. I cannot turn off cast shadow on a light in properties. [edit] But when I think of it, I wonder if this ever worked or if I used other light types for this? :D ...Or is this a bug in the latest build?

I have a underwater scene/animation and I have been racking my brain as of why the frames sometimes looks different when rendered. But I have now found out that if you have a volumetric fog (I have animated the density over time) if have selected frame 500 and then render frame 500, it looks different than if I have selected frame 0 and choose to render frame 500. Therefore its difficult to tweak the animation in VFB, because what you see on that exact frame is different from how it will look when rendered as a sequence from frame 0.

I'm working on a scene where the fog changes from bright to dark over time and I would like to composite the fog if possible by rendering the volumetric and component as render elements. But I have not found a better way to composite the fog than having the layer additive. the volumetric doesn't seem to have an alpha. How can I composite the volumetric and get it looking exactly the same as in the beauty pass no matter what color the fog has? Any tips?

It would have been very useful to have a blur feature the same way you have with bitmaps inside the color correction node so you can blur everything you add to the node.

WHenever I want to drag a image into the new triplanar with multiple slots, 3ds max halts/freezes for like 10 seconds. Seems to me to be a bug with the new triplanar map.

Corona bitmap in Corona 10 in 3ds max 2024 the ticker for gamma and automatic will not change. The bitmap changes but the ticker is not. So if you want to change from SRGB to linear and back, you have to guess which Corona is sticking with. Its not buggy in 3ds max default bitmap node, only in corona bitmaps.

TO reproduce, just add a corona bitmap to gamma 1 and then open it a second time, you will see it has reverted back to automatic despite not changing the image to automatic.

Hi, i'm often experiencing that convert to geometry, if I have scatters with a few parameters and scattered on complex shapes (not primitives), doe not end up at the same place as they are in the corona scatter. This is a bit problematic because you cannot just turn the scatter into a single mesh currently.

I can give you a scene if you are not able to reproduce.

PS! It would also be great to be able to convert the entire scatter into a single shape, because its a handy tool for making various things that you need to export in a game engine.

I saww this was reporten in 2018, but it still doesn't work. I was using layered materials with a Corona Multimap to vary the mask, but this doesn't work currently. It would be nice if this was added the same way as with other materials.

It would be nice if Distance material doesn't not include hidden objects when rendering.

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Color picker working across screen
« on: 2022-11-30, 19:54:25 »
This is a silly small request/bug. But when you want to sample a color, for me it's usually on the other screen from an image in photoshop or similar. But once you get on the other screen it is not picking the pixel color from where you have your pointer. It would have been a nice fix if this worked.

After Corona has switched to Chaos licensing system the plugin is relentless with making sure you are not using more than one machine. While I do understand that you  need to make sure that multiple users cannot share one license, it's sad how I now cannot work at the same time it's rendering - I never use more than one node, I don't own a render farm. But, since I'm a single freelancer, and I have a office computer and home computer, some time during tight deadlines I need to set my office machine to render at daytime. And because the machine is then so slow, I go to my home computer to finish a modeling/material task. But now with the new licensing system I'm getting license problems immediately when opening the material editor, because it tries to render the preview balls within the materials and gives me black balls instead. It would have been nice if you could at least let us do that without giving out license errors.  I would have given away all my extra nodes if only the renderer could be a bit more forgiving on special use cases like this. It worked fine before with the fair saas license. I'm happy to pay for the Pro Premium, but now, despite being a more costly package than it was before - the software is less forgiving for single users, which is very sad to me.

This also applies to render settings, I can't even prepare a scene ready with render settings while a render is ongoing. So I simply just have to decide to work or render, I cannot do both, unless I have a fancy render farm :( ...Or buy two licenses?!?

[Max] Resolved Bugs / [solved] Corona VFB won't show
« on: 2022-11-16, 14:51:08 »
Hi, I have opened a scene which is a standard scene and switched to corona after I did an initial render. But whenever I hit interactive rendering I see nothing and if I start render Corona will render the image through the standard 3ds render window but with Coronas render engine - but then I have none of the Corona options. The only way for me to get the corona render window back is to uninstall Corona and re-install - a restart of 3ds max won't help. But if I open the original scene again and then switch to corona, the same problem appear again and I need to re-install the plugin. Is there a way to tell Max to use the corona VFB again? This is a problem I have not had before Corona 9

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