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Poll - Do you profile your displays?
hello citizen of data driven world,
if You don't mind spending one minute of your valuable time I would be grateful. Brace for advertising content as somebody needs to pay for all this.
Thank you.
Interesting... pretty much 50/50 right now with 24 people.
In the music production world, if 50% of the people wouldn't care for proper monitoring and mastering much of the music would sound like reproduced through a tin box, proper input/output leveling and post production is a key factor. Not sure why the graphics world doesn't care too much, probably because our visual perception is much more forgiving than our auditory senses.
For example, I can see and recognize someone's face in the dark, different lighting conditions etc. But hearing just a bit of a difference in a voice you already know can cause a lot confusion pretty early.
I wonder if it depends on the target? If ever you are doing something in print, then those folks profile. If the work will just be on displays, then those folks don't because every display will be differently set up so even with profiling you have no idea what the end customer will see (that is, not our users client, but their clients... e.g. render an image for a client who will put it on their website selling that apartment space / advertising the upcoming restaurant opening / etc. and the viewers of the website could end up seeing any old thing in terms of profile).
I assumed bias towards profiling among people who clicked the link. so I guess only 1/3 or less (among mostly Max and some Maya users) put in the effort.
but true - interesting.
--- Quote from: TomG on 2024-12-02, 13:35:18 ---I wonder if it depends on the target? If ever you are doing something in print, then those folks profile. If the work will just be on displays, then those folks don't because every display will be differently set up so even with profiling you have no idea what the end customer will see (that is, not our users client, but their clients... e.g. render an image for a client who will put it on their website selling that apartment space / advertising the upcoming restaurant opening / etc. and the viewers of the website could end up seeing any old thing in terms of profile).
--- End quote ---
Nah, there's way more reason to properly profile your monitor. Proper black and white level alone can spare you some trouble.
In one or all of the Star Wars ep 1/2/3 (the new ones, not sure which ones anymore) you can see some hilarious black level misalignment where you can clearly see the cut out stance around space ships in some places. It's the most basic comp error there is, and it's all coming from people not caring about the display they use. Everyone assumes it's good enough if it has proper contrast. Now the fact that it slipped through ALL the stages after comp is telling, and to think no one caught it is just amazing. Wouldn't have happened with proper profiling, or even the most basic.
Ferrari and Coca-Cola will torture you for weeks to get their red color right. Sure, this is not the common job. But even in archviz, if you deliver your images and the sky is just a a bit too green or has too much magenta, the entire image is ruined imo.
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