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Pixamoon/Resize bitmaps alternative?


Hi all,

I've been using "Bitmap tracking/resizing" from 'Pixamoon'  (I wont link it for obvious reasons) a lot the past 1-2 years. I love it.

I'm looking for an alternative plug-in that provides a similar service?

Due to very very poor customer service form Pixamoon they have lost my patronage and recommendation. (It's become apparent that I cannot use a previously deactivated license on my PC. No other option but to buy another license! Any help I've sought from them has been almost completely ignored)

Before a Corona team member chimes in and tells me to use the out-of-core thing for Corona; I'm not interested :)

Does anyone have any good suggestions on how I can quickly and easily resize my large bitmaps?

Many thanks!

Render People have one -

I tend to use this one though

Thanks mate, super helpful! I will be sure to check them both out :)

Wow, both look great. I am a fan of Joker Martini though, so will test this out first.

Thanks again.

Convert and Resize Images in 3Ds Max


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