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Topics - hrvojezg00

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Hardware / Color space/mode
« on: 2024-11-12, 15:43:50 »
We are struggling a bit between our and our client monitors, so we are not sure if they see the same colors, etc. What is the best way to go, srgb/Adobe RGB or something else? We just bought an Asus PA32UCXR, which is set to Native mode by default, but we arenĖ™t sure what color space that is. Any advice/setup would be greatly appreciated!

[Max] I need help! / Corona Mapping Randomizer slowdown
« on: 2024-07-16, 09:25:27 »
We`ve experienced some slowdowns in rendering, I believe, since C9 and never got to figure out what seemed to cause that, but the latest tests show it`s the Corona Mapping Randomizer. I believe there was a bug before with the UVW randomizer; it seems it shows up again. I`m uploading an interactive render test of a simple scene, with and without the Corona Mapping Randomizer applied to the wood texture. With it applied, rays are down by 50%. Do you have any insight on this?

[Max] General Discussion / Single vs DR render passes
« on: 2024-05-16, 15:35:55 »
Hi, I`ve wanted to ask this for a while now. When rendering an image to 3% noise, a single machine render takes around 60 passes in 6k resolution, but for a DR-rendered image with eight slaves, it takes more than 200 passes to reach 3% noise. This is not isolated case, it happens in all situations/3d environment. Is this a known fact?


Hi all, this might be a noobish question, but we are about to render a big resolution, so we want to make sure we do everything correctly. Is it possible to use the same HDCache file for multiple cameras of an exterior animation with only moving people and sea waves, or do we need to make an HDCache for each camera independently?

Hardware / Dual Epyc 9654 experience?
« on: 2024-01-16, 10:03:52 »
Hi, Is anyone here running a dual Epyc Genoa system, preferably 9654 or 9754`s? I wonder if the scale is better than with EPYC 7702`s 1 CPU vs. 2 CPU systems.

Hardware / 10Gbe setup
« on: 2022-01-20, 16:12:43 »
Hi all, we`ve been running 10GbE setup for quite some time now, and I would like to be sure we have it setup right as sometimes it doesn`t perform as (I think) it should. We have Qnap TS-2888 connected to Cisco 350x 10GbE via 8 ports in port trunk showing 80Gbps speed. All workstations and render nodes have 10 GbE nics and run full 10 Gbps speed. Thing is that when rendering in DR, when 7-8 nodes are downloading max file, they download at around 300-500 Mbps, even though theoratically should be close to 1000 Mbps. When we purchased the NAS, Qnap support recommended this setup, what do you think?

[Max] I need help! / DR bad allocation
« on: 2021-10-27, 12:37:06 »
We are experiencing DR issues with some scenes (not all, still investigating) when rendering 6k resolution renders. When using 2-3 nodes all works ok, but if we add more to the job, we get bad allocation error. Anyone else came across this issue?


edit:devs, please delete this thread

[Max] I need help! / Bad allocation DR
« on: 2021-09-20, 15:41:49 »

I am trying to submit ticket, but it shows captcha error so I`m posting here. We are having DR problems with C7 hf1. When we try to DR a scene in 6k resolution, upon render nodes passing, we get bad allocation error. We did some test and it seems it is related to lighmix. Scene uses around 50gb of RAM, all nodes have 128gb, workstation 256gb. Do you have any idea what might be causing that?


General CG Discussion / Interactive 3d floor plan
« on: 2021-05-11, 19:39:54 »
Hi guys, is there any way to make an interactive 3d floor plan which can be embedded on a website for viewing? Something like Layama, but for 3d plans?
Edit: we need simple interactive rotation over one axis


General CG Discussion / Hair and fur pop up warning
« on: 2020-02-04, 09:01:42 »
Hi all, is there a way to stop 3dsmax showing warning for Hair and Fur "Memory limits may be excerded..."? It shows at every file open and render, super annoying.


Hardware / Network setup
« on: 2020-01-07, 15:30:07 »
Hi all, we are having some DR issues so wanted to check if it could be network related. We have Qnap Ts-2888x with 4 10gbe intel nic`s port trunked (8 ports) to a Cisco 10 gbe switch with total of 80 gbe, so I`m not sure if it is better to have it port trunked or make all ports unlinked? Problems occur when rendering 6k resolution images with many lightmixes etc (big files) with DR, sometimes slower nodes render faster then faster ones, sometimes a node just steps out of rendering etc. Thought I ask if someone has similar setup and got it to work correctly.


[Max] I need help! / Epyc Rome poor corona results
« on: 2019-12-27, 18:44:37 »
Hi all, we bought a dual ES 7742 system and have pretty low score in corona benchmark and corona performance in general. All other benchmarks results are as they should be, so not sure if it's corona related? Do we have to untick some dev options or something?


[Max] Bug Reporting / Error: bad allocation</Error></root>
« on: 2019-12-23, 19:46:42 »
Hi, just got new node setup and got this error, never saw it before.
bad allocation</Error></root>

Node can't reach master or vice versa?


General CG Discussion / UNC or mapped network drive
« on: 2019-03-15, 08:12:55 »
Hi all,

We are having some really long loading times with big files with many forestpack`s in, so not sure if its related to network setup. We run 10Gbe network with cisco switch and nvme storage so it shouldn`t be that slow. Is it recommended to access network drives via UNC or mapped network drive system? Please advise.


[Max] I need help! / DR and ForestPro
« on: 2019-02-08, 14:24:20 »

We bumped on an issue with DR with Forest Pro. Just working on a simple interior room scene with a round carpet with ForestPro on it, when its visible, render with DR on takes aprox. 20 min., when its off around 9 min. Also, nodes start acting funny, some do alot less passes then they should (up to 35%), is this a known issue?


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