Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] Resolved Feature Requests

Complex falloff

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Studio Heisenberg:
Hey guys, I am having trouble to get complex falloff looking exactly the same as we can make it in 3ds max, with direction type etc... I have attached solution from vray for cinema 4D which have some of the options, but one with all these and curve inside would be great. Thanks in advance :)

I am sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about... You are having trouble getting complex falloff look like in 3DS Max where? For what? For IOR in refractive channel? I'd love to help you, but I need more information :-)

Studio Heisenberg:

--- Quote from: houska on 2017-05-09, 10:34:52 ---I am sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about... You are having trouble getting complex falloff look like in 3DS Max where? For what? For IOR in refractive channel? I'd love to help you, but I need more information :-)

--- End quote ---

I have made small pdf file where I explained it, take a look in attached.

Nejc Kilar:
For what its worth... I second this. Falloffs in general can be a bit of a pain (depending on what you are doing I suppose) in c4d compared to 3ds max.

Aha, so the request is to duplicate the 3ds Max native Falloff map, and create something similar to Siger Shaders ComplexFresnel map, just for clarification on the feature request? So not a request to duplicate features from Corona in Max.


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