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Messages - Aram Avetisyan

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 38
[Max] I need help! / Re: Caustics flickering in animation
« on: Yesterday at 23:43:20 »

I know the post is old but I am experiencing the same problem with flickering only on the water with caustics.

Water: simple plane with CoronaDisplacementMod
UHD Cache: Animation (flicker-free)
Denoise: Corona High Quality (doesn't seem to be the problem)
Caustics Solver Enable. Caustics from Environment Enable.
I tried with Displacement Screen Size and World Size. Same problem/results.
Water Material: CoronaPhysicalMtl (water)   Caustics (Slow) ON.
Corona 9 (Hotfix3)


Flickering caustics in animation may happen and we have reports about them already.
There is no specific fix for this situation and it can vary from scene to scene.

Can you please try rendering the same sequence with both solvers set to Path Tracing and let us know if there are any improvements?

No no, I think you thought about it more complicated than it is.

What I proposed it to simply have IDs for polygons and assing them specific static materials, without randomization. This can be done either through separate materials either with CoronaMultiMap with Material ID mode, without other options to randomzie.

The reason you are getting different texture each frame is that because of the animation, there are different number of faces on each frame. E.g. the randomization happens for 10 faces, then for 11 faces, then for 12 etc, which effectively changes the seed.

But this will not be the case if the polygons have specific materials assigned to them only through IDs, which stay intact regardless of number of faces and animation.
You can try simply disabling all randomization modes for CoronaMultiMap and enable only "Face material ID". This way the intended look may change, but materials will be locked in place from start to finish of the animation.


I have checked the scene and unfortunately this is expected given how the VRay proxy is animated.
The number of faces (and effectively their indices) changes, and so does the randomization.

I think the workaround is to have different IDs for the roofs and randomize by Material ID instead of Mesh Element.

Hope this helps.


If you are trying to achieve a transLUCENT (transparent is see-through) fabric, which has a light shining from behind - the effect in the screenshots you shared - then it can be easily done just with self-illumination. You can add a bit of sheen just for sake of it.
You can as well enable the translucency and create a light behind it, but it will give more or less the same results but with longer render times.

Hope this helps.

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Masks for Decals
« on: 2024-04-29, 22:15:28 »

Letting you know that we already have a task for supporting Decals in CMasking_Mask and possibly other render elements.

(Report ID=CMAX-27)

These are very fine renderings, great job!

It is just the bloom and glare and sharpening in the images (or compression) which I do not quite like, but this is just a personal preferance.
Composition, lighting wise you have done a solid job!

[Max] I need help! / Re: Reflections on car paint
« on: 2024-04-24, 23:58:17 »
It looks like bump on the clearcot (if used), which is similar to the base patterns.
If you are using Clearcoat, disable it bump/normal effect and see if the results are better.

Usually everything should be investigated - the model first of all. If everything is fine with it, check the material and UVs.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Render multiples camera matching
« on: 2024-04-24, 23:38:08 »
Yes, all of these are actually states/versions of the scene inside one file, simple Camera environment override will not cover all cases.

I am sure if states in 3ds Max were a bit more user friendly, no per-render-engine override and workarounds would be needed.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Render multiples camera matching
« on: 2024-04-24, 00:47:51 »
That can be a good idea to have "Active camera overrides" checkbox for shadowcatcher, then it should work fine (besides the currently available option to animate it with maps).
I'll see how/if this can be implemented.

Depending on the exact thing needed, if there is animation, if there is changing environment and lighting, Scene states worked pretty robustly.
Yes, they are not the best when setting up and UI/UX wise, but they reliably work with batch rendering, which is one of the most important things for rendering animation.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Render multiples camera matching
« on: 2024-04-20, 21:27:35 »
Just letting you guys know that CoronaCamera environment overrides are in progress and this should be easy to do in future :)

In the meantime, there may be different workarounds with 3ds Max Scene and State sets.

Gallery / Re: Bokeh is your Friend
« on: 2024-04-18, 07:15:15 »
Out of curiosity, have you mean utilizing the DOF Highlight solver for the renders?

Please note that the below is not yet fully decided, so I cannot provide you with very specific details:
We will soon release a Corona 11 Hotfix 2 which will support 3ds Max 2025 and will assume the ACES/OCIO workflow as the new default with some kind of automated or semi-automated way of correctly displaying the image in the VFB. We are not sure how exactly this will be done, but we will do it in the usual Corona style so that you don't have to worry about it. :)

the changelog of hotfix 2 is a bit vague about it - does display transform from 3ds' ocio setup works with Corona or not yet?

It does not, just yet, but it is planned. Actually it is the missing piece from 3ds Max Color management support.

As display transform is a bit technical (to find, to understand, to use etc.), we just went with general "OCIO is not fully supported" way, to encourage users use Gamma workflow for now, for consistent and expected results.

First of all, make absolutely sure you are using Gamma workflow, no OCIO modes, as these are not fully supported yet even with Corona 11 HF2 and Max 2025.

Then do as Romullus told - apparently the CTexmap in VFB is shown as "data image" and there is no gamma correction applied to it.
But when you save it out (even with default "Automatic" settings, no manual gamma override), the output is as the input image.
Just quickly tested this in a simple PNG file, everything seems working fine.

[Max] I need help! / Re: I need help with creating material
« on: 2024-04-16, 21:46:11 »
It seems a tiling issue to me.
I think you should enable the randomization for each tile, and then tweak the settings to your liking.


The noise level is doing the correct thing - it is reporting the average "error" in the render. What if you mistakenly exclude an object which contributes significantly to the noise. How more accurate such noise level calculation is? Of course it is relative to the scene and it is a good practice to do test renders and get an estimate of noise levels that are good enough for the specific scene and shot.

For the shadowcatcher/plane cleaning up faster than the rest - adaptivity takes care of this, and if plane is relatively less noisy, more samples will be dedicated to the rest.
You can as well reduce the adaptivity recalculation to less passes than the default 5 - this will calculate the noise level more frequently, if it helps.

In such cases the pass limit is the better indicator of "cleanliness".
But you can achieve to some degree what you are reffering to by creating render regions - the noise level will be calculated for these parts specifically.

Hope this helps.

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