Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Feature Requests

The most wanted feature?

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Aram Avetisyan:

--- Quote from: zhao liang on 2024-03-31, 06:40:32 ---I want to have composition and resolution lock in vray camera

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Do you mean per-camera resolution (composition) lock (and other options I suppose) for CoronaCamera?

The poll should be updated, some of the points have beed delivered.


--- Quote from: zhao liang on 2024-03-31, 06:40:32 ---I want to have composition and resolution lock in vray camera

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Adding composite grids as an overlay to the camera is a must-have, unfortunately the imagecomphelper script only works in the active viewport and at the moment it is not possible to have the grid in the camera viewport  and move the camera with another viewport.

I tried to solve the problem with scripting, but as far as I understand this is a very difficult feature to implement with standard tools. So I vote for this with both hands.


--- Quote from: marchik on 2024-07-29, 21:11:34 ---
--- Quote from: zhao liang on 2024-03-31, 06:40:32 ---I want to have composition and resolution lock in vray camera

--- End quote ---

Adding composite grids as an overlay to the camera is a must-have, unfortunately the imagecomphelper script only works in the active viewport and at the moment it is not possible to have the grid in the camera viewport  and move the camera with another viewport.

I tried to solve the problem with scripting, but as far as I understand this is a very difficult feature to implement with standard tools. So I vote for this with both hands.

--- End quote ---

How this didn't make it to V12 VFB2, being something simple, I imagine. I may be wrong though.
There wasn't TLC in this version of Corona. Sad.

hey guys - why dont we put  a pool of ideas for development up for a poll and let the users decide :)  easy peasy :)

Heres a couple of ideas:

VFB - ability to flip the image horizontally
DR - better DR whereby the DR PC doesnt have to do all of the re-calculations after each frame as when that happens, it almost never gets involved.  I realise you can allocate frames to each node, but it would be nice if it could just start the render as quickly as the master PC.  ALSO, it would be great if you could ALLOCATE the render JUST to the slave (this was possible with vray from over 10 years ago)
CoronaRound Edge Feature - as per my post here. - which was:
it would be great if you could add a feature where it chamfers by ELEMENT.  I have windows for instance, with mullions and adjoining movable windows (with fixed windows) and it chamfers them all and makes them look like 1 piece. It would be great if it could just render the edges per element so it doesnt look welded together if that makes sense.

thats it for me......


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