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Topics - Robot_Redmond

Pages: [1]
HI there, apologies if this has already been covered.

My VFB seems to keep forgetting my Post Process settings (Tone mapping, Bloom & Glare etc.)
I have set them to override in each my cameras and I’ve not touched anything in the Render Settings. But, I do change them in the VFB.

As such, I never know what I’m going to get when send off multiple renders.
For example, I set Bloom and Glare to 15 and 8 respectively in the VFB for a particular frame. I then render the same frame again later and it’s reverted back to 20 and 2 respectively.
So, I have to sit by the computer and babysit each frame to tweak the settings as they’re being rendered. I've struggled with this since v6. I'm now on v10 Hotfix 2.

A work-around for this would be to render out multiple CXR files and perform these tweaks in the Corona Image Editor.
But, I saw from an earlier thread (from over 4 and half years ago actually), that this isn’t a feature.

Has anyone experienced this or have an idea how to fix it?
Bonus question- has anyone ever figured out how to render out multiple CXR files?

Thanks in advance for your time. Otherwise, I love the software.

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