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Topics - willbro

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One thing that's stopping our studio from switching over to using Corona Scatter entirely is the lack of a Library browser feature.

FP has this amazing library browser that allows users to create their own libraries, or import pre-made professional libraries from Maxtree and others.

Forest Pack has become noticeably slow when entering Modify mode, and i'm getting a little tired of waiting 15 seconds every time I want to edit the scatter.

Corona Scatter finally has the Edge masking feature so I think it's basically ready for us to adopt - we're just held back by the lack of a Library brower which is no small feature I know - creating that will be easier said than done and I appreciate the consideration!


Sometimes interactive render will get stuck and cannot be stopped at all, even by running the CoronaRenderer.CoronaFP.stopRender() command in the maxscript editor. It seems to occur when switching cameras, changing Direct Visibility Override, or other render settings while running the interactive render. You might say 'just stop the interactive render before you change any settings'. This is not really an option for us unfortunately.

The reason it's a problem is because our whole studio actually relies on an in-house plugin that allows users to set up each camera with it's own lighting/tonemapping/renderWidth and Height/backplate image settings etc. So when previewing each camera, the user will run interactive render, then proceed to click through a list of cameras, loading the lighting/render settings for each camera as they go. And this seems to be where the render gets 'stuck on' and can't be stopped. It only happens a few times a day, so it's hard to tell exactly what is causing this. It's a bit of a major operation we have running so we're a bit worried to see this problem popping up in the new version of Corona Renderer.

We were previously using 3ds Max 2018 + Corona Renderer 6.2 and have just switched to 3ds max 2023 + Corona Renderer 9.1 where we are now seeing this bug appear. It wasn't appearing previously.

After the render gets stuck on, you cannot begin a new interactive render, nor can you start a production render. You will be met with the error saying there is 'already an interactive render running'. The only way to get around this is to force close 3ds Max.

I would be happy to provide more info and even a copy of our in-house script in order to get this solved. There is always a chance it could be something to do with our in-house script, but I doubt it since it only seems to occur intermittently and we use this script all day every day.


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