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Topics - JohnGaston

Pages: [1]
The current noise level is not fully displayed.
I have maximized the window and so on, but it does not change.
Is there some setting or is this a bug?


I am trying to function in the above manner, but the pyro effect is not transferring to the render screen at all. Is there any possible cause for this?

[C4D] I need help! / How to import building drawings
« on: 2023-11-30, 05:53:43 »
We produce architectural perspectives.

The problem is that the drawings are only in PDF or other image data, and we are working with screenshots with images in the background of the view settings.

If I have multiple plans, I paste the screenshot into the material and apply it to an object of any size and work with a display tag on the object to show the material reflection in the line shading.

If there is any other method that would be useful, please let me know.

Pages: [1]