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Messages - Nejc Kilar

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General CG Discussion / Re: Firerender for 3ds max
« on: 2015-08-18, 07:53:17 »
I am actually really interested in this especially since it is now known it will support Corona materials. Don't get me wrong, Corona is the renderer of choice for me but having a compatible GPU sidekick would be thrilling - sort of like V-Ray and V-Ray RT but with less compatibility as those two (while still disjointed a bit) are probably far more tightly knit. You can still use Corona for the heavy lifting while for quick feedback and smaller projects the GPU alternative is quite nice to have.

I also appreciate the incentive from AMD as they are a bit lackluster on the GPU rendering front for quite some time now. Their GPUs are pretty awesome for the price / perfomance ratio in gaming but you can't use them in CUDA rendering at all. I do feel like this will go over well with their R9 390 line (8GB of RAM).

I just hope more information will be available to the public, it's so hard to get any kind of info right now...

Gallery / Re: Irland Townhouse
« on: 2015-08-14, 17:47:10 »
Loving the work dude! Everything is brilliant including the awesomely simulated camera flash in the interior (the night time photo) :)

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: wash-bowl
« on: 2015-08-14, 17:44:40 »
Personally, I like it! :) Good job!

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: wash-bowl
« on: 2015-07-28, 21:59:40 »
Looking great dude! If I may I would suggest adding some interesting things to reflect in the chrome, it seems a taaad grey dominant at the moment :)

Gallery / Re: hardsurface stuff. mostly.
« on: 2015-07-23, 11:51:02 »
please they could do a tutorial, that way achieve much reality? my renders are well ugly :(

Just a small tip if I may :)

Reflections tend to help most with presenting metallic objects. If your scene is covered in white lights and backgrounds then reflections will probably be duller and weirder...

Theres lot's of tutorials / courses online that touch this particular topic, try checking some of those out perhaps :)

But uhm yeah, Rawalanche hit the nail on the head :D

News / Re: Updated ShadowCatcher tutorial
« on: 2015-07-22, 17:49:48 »
Super handy, thanks!

General CG Discussion / Re: MAX UI help
« on: 2015-07-13, 14:23:31 »
Indeed, that's just what I figured out!

I was essentially saving my profile as the default max one (as I had some difficulties understanding how the customize settings work) and that apparently saved into the folder you mentioned. Unfortunately I did delete that particular folder so I had to set up my shortcuts all over again - which was fun actually :)

Thanks for helping tobiasweisercg, much so considering this is your first post. I trully owe you one buddy! ;)

General CG Discussion / MAX UI help
« on: 2015-07-11, 00:56:07 »
Hey guys, I am in a pickle and I would sure appreciate some help :)

I have just bought a new workstation pc and just as I've set everything up... BAAM(!), I remember I forgot to save my Max UI files!

Luckily I am using the same HDD in my new workstation too, unformated and all but the problem I am having now is that even if I copy and paste the entire EN-US/UI folder into my new Max installation I don't get all of my custom interface back - I get a few toolbars, some settings here and there but no keyboard shortcurts, missing toolbars and no window memory...

Does anyone know if there is a chance to save my old defaults from eternal doom? Thanks in advance!

News / Re: Spring 2015: Roadmap and Project Update
« on: 2015-07-04, 16:02:22 »
It sure is great to see that such a proactive approach has been taken in order to ensure everybody gets a chance to use the software. I most certainly am super pleased that you guys value the community's input on this - it really makes it FAIR SaaS. Big, BIG kudos!

I for one don't mind users having discounted access (I support it) based on the country of origin but that might create some problems since you won't be able to envelop all of the countries with a "lower" standard and that will probably create problems on where to draw the line. I do like the initiative and I do support it ... and the Greece thing, oh man, kudos for that aswell!

With regards to the renderering software itself I find it production ready myself, I don't really miss anything so nothing but praise there. The roadmap seems nice and the displacement improvements are on their way which is really great.

The roadmap is really warmly welcomed and what I value most is the devs ability to get the community involved into the development of the renderer.

Keep up the great work! :)

[Max] I need help! / Re: Batch Render in 3d studio Max 2015
« on: 2015-07-04, 15:26:43 »
Rendering tab -> Batch Render perhaps? Not sure if we mean the same thing here :)

[Max] I need help! / Re: Light W
« on: 2015-05-21, 20:11:58 »
it is simple, 0 in image units = black, 1 in image units = white

Great, thanks for that Ondra :)

[Max] I need help! / Re: Light W
« on: 2015-05-21, 17:41:55 »
The default option (W/sr/m^2) is in Corona equal to the "image units".

Oh my, it would appear I am just a lazy reader :) I was refering to the tooltip under Corona light settings - Intensity units. My mistake was reading the tooltip wrong, it says "image units" not "scene units".

Regardless of my mistake, would you mind explaining what do the image units in this case acutally represent?

[Max] I need help! / Light W
« on: 2015-05-21, 12:16:19 »
Hey everyone, I'd like to ask a pretty dumb question here.

The equation for light source power is W/(sr.m^2) but scrolling over the tooltips in Corona it says that the equation is dependant on scene unit settings.

Does that mean that the meter is replaced by cm if so set in the scene unit settings? I.e intensity of 80 in meter mode becomes 800 in cm mode?

Thanks! :)

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Carona 4 C4D MULTIPASS
« on: 2015-05-21, 08:49:29 »
Make sure you are using Corona's multipass and not the C4D one. You can find the Corona multipass under the effects rollout (or is it tab? :D) in the render settings.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Alpha V2 and Bumpmapping
« on: 2015-05-08, 22:44:13 »
My suggestion would be to put a filter over the bitmap and play with the brightness / gamma (or anything else that affects the image) in order to fine tune it :)

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