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Messages - Aram Avetisyan

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 44
General CG Discussion / Re: Scene Scale for Archviz
« on: 2024-07-25, 04:37:56 »

if you mean system scale, I have used cm it, by gut feeling, and it has been fine. Not to say that other units have been problematic, absolutely not. If you know how and when to use system units, anything is fine. I think I have found other software using CM by default more than any other units (but still they worked fine with others and conversions). So if there is any I would suggest - go with cm.

If you mean the display units - then it is mm in most of the cases. This is because all architectural drawings/documents (except US I guess) have measurements specified in mm, and you just read the numbers and input, without thinking about decimals.

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: 3Ds Max shortcuts don't work
« on: 2024-07-25, 02:46:14 »
Glad to hear that, you are welcome!

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona Color Correct Problem
« on: 2024-07-25, 02:45:54 »
Can you please send the scene over to test?

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: 3dsmax2025 Corona12 small icons ?
« on: 2024-07-24, 21:06:59 »

This is known and already fixed internally. This should be part of the upcoming hotfix.

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Caustics playground!
« on: 2024-07-24, 21:05:06 »
Maybe the Corona way to doing caustics is not the best one ? Otoy and nvidia got very good caustics examples, we struggle making caustics appear on very large scenes, having to detach geometry and merging into a new and smaller files just to get the caustics working.

I haven't seen an actual archviz scene with caustics, like Corona, with others. Can you share some results, which are not simple refractive/reflective objects with caustics, and are not fakes?

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: 3Ds Max shortcuts don't work
« on: 2024-07-24, 20:54:50 »
3ds max shortcuts were disabled when VFB was open (to make the VFB shortcuts work, which were not as crucial as 3ds Max shortcuts) in RC stage, but got enabled back for the final release.
In your other post (CoronaColorCorrect) I saw you were using RC1, not the final release. If this is still the case, please update to the official Corona 12.

Everything works as expected with Corona 12, just tested with 3ds Max 2024 and 2025.

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona Color Correct Problem
« on: 2024-07-24, 20:47:32 »

I see you are using Corona 12 Release Candidate 1.
Have you tried with the official Corona 12 release?
I cannot reproduce this in slate, nor in compact material editor, with Corona 12.

Hi, I have tested Corona 12 and I have some comments to share but I dont know where to put them.
Should I put here or as General topic?
Should I put all the Ideas in one Post or every single one in a different topic?
I ask to find out what works best for you

As there may be things where are already fixed or planned, and if you have many points, you can first DM me to check, or it is fine to post it here (if all are V12 related).
Just try to make the message comprehensive, easy to read/understand, with clear points.

[Max] I need help! / Re: corona 12 VFB 2.0
« on: 2024-07-24, 04:02:52 »
with the old VFB under corona 11 the "lock 3dsmax during render" worked with VFB ... so i couldnt accicently mess up my scene while rendering, but also could do stuff in the VFB.
Seems this doesn't work anymore with v12 and new VFB2.0


I was able to reproduce this, and it is reported now.

(Report ID=CMAX-1205)

[Max] I need help! / Re: corona decals troubleshooting
« on: 2024-07-24, 02:46:18 »
Glad to hear everything got sorted out!

If there is a visual difference (worse) with a scene in Corona 12 vs Corona 11, it will be good to get the scene and do investigations.
A stripped down version of the scene (only the thing contributing to Bloom and Glare, i.e. lights, which are enough to reproduce the issue) shall also be fine.

You can do so by starting a ticket at:


As I understand, in the attached video the footages have different resolution, right?
In such case it may be expected (the difference between the footages) to some degree, as the image filtering, antialiasing and possibley other settings can change how bloom and glare is seen. This does not mean that it is expected that bloom and glare flickers from frame to frame in a sequence, with any settings.

Can you please tell a bit more in detail - there are specific frames where Bloom and Glare is not applied? Or applied more faintly/strongly, resulting to a flickering?
And can you please render the same sequence in a higher resolution and see if bloom and glare is applied consistently throughout the whole footage?

P.S. we have a similar or related report in our system, related to Bloom and glare. If you need a quick "solution", try enabling "Use legacy (v5) effect" in Render Settings > Camera > Bloom and Glare. Note that this may change the bloom and glare, but it should be possible to get similar results as before by tweaking the settings slighly.

[Max] I need help! / Re: corona decals troubleshooting
« on: 2024-07-23, 09:02:25 »

I quickly checked your scene, and it seems there are no CoronaDecal obejcts in there, there are simple editable poly objects.

You need to create a Corona decal object (it is a box like object with the texture, if applied, being displayed on one side) and assign the material to decal object.
The decal's bounds will tell how "deep" the decal will be projected.

Besides this, I also saw materials set up to be refractive - if a material is fully refractive, it will not have the base layer, where the decal texture usually is.
I have modified the scene you sent and used procedural textures to demonstrate it.
Hope this helps.

After I import new objects into my scene my file fails to interactive render. It stays parsing for an endless amount of time and my total rays stay in the 1000s.

However, after I close and reopen the file, interactive rendering works like normal. It isnt after I merge or import a new object that the interactive rendering fails to parse the scene.

I dont know whats going on! This is very frustrating considering I am spending hours figuring out this problem rather than working on my projects. This has been happening since I updated to the latest Corona 12.

Does anyone else have similar scene parsing issues when using interactive rendering?


Please, can you send over the scene you use, and the scene/object you import/merge, after which the IR will not start?
It can be related to the scene and to the imported objects. On simple scene, I found no issue when importing/merging objects while IR is running.

You can start a ticket at:

Surely, supporting previously created scenes/maps/materials is a constant approach for new features.
This is reported now.

(Report ID=CMAX-1192)

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