Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] I need help!

Where does Cinema4D tell you what polygon face you have selected?

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When I am selecting a polygon face in Cinema how do I know which poly face I have selected?  Does it tell you which one it is somewhere?  I need to know so I can compare it to the Poly Selection tag and finish in the object manager; so I know what finish it has on it.  I don't find any place on the screen where it indicates which polygon face you've selected, whether 1, 2 or 3, etc.   Thank you.

I do not really understand what you are asking.

Well, my first thought is you have overlapping polygons there. When you select a polygon, it should show as orange. If you have Normals turned on, you will also see a little white line to show what direction it's facing.

If you are saying you have Selection Tags already set up and assigned with materials and you want to see which material is applied to that polygon, the only way I know is to double-click each Selection Tag. All the polygons assigned to that tag will be highlighted. Then look at the name of that tag and see which which material is using that tag.

If I'm not understanding you question, then please explain again.

I don't know about the overlapping polygons.  I click on the polygon selection tags on the right and absolutely nothing highlights in the model.  I just don't understand why, if I click on a polygon face in the model, nothing tells me on the screen what polygon face I am clicking on.  I see in the Object manager list on the right all of the polygon tags and finishes corresponding to this wall of rectangles, but I can't make the connection between the two, the model's polygon faces on the left and the corresponding selection tags on the right in the object manager.  Seems I would have to draw a picture of the wall and write down the number of each polygon face as I apply a finish to it and and then see that it corresponds to polygon selection tag 1 or 2 etc. But I imagine Cinema does tell me which one I'm clicking on in the model, and I just don't know where on the screen interface to look for it, where it is shown. Thanks for answering.

See on this new attachment below where it says "Polygon attachment.1"?  That little triangle corresponds to one of the polygon faces in the wall, like the polygon face I drew a circle around in the attachment above; but I don't know which one.  Because if I click on the polygon face in the model, it doesn't tell me which one I'm clicking on.  Thank you.


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