To make sure clarity and organization, It would be nice if you submit one request per thread.
We have logged your first and second requests in our system for further review by our devs.
With regards to your first request: (Internal ID=1072337242)
Regarding your second request about the ability to add dummy objects to a scatter, you can use any geometric primitive such as a box, cone, cylinder, etc. as a dummy object by applying a ray switch material. This ensures that the dummy object does not affect the GI, reflection, or any other property in the scene. You can use this as a workaround solution.
(Internal ID=1072338179)
As for your third request about being able to change objects' frequency at once, you can do it using a simple max script, which is as follows:
scatterObj = $ChaosScatter001
frequencies = scatterObj.modelFrequencies
-- Set the new frequency for all objects
newFrequency = 7
for i = 1 to frequencies.count do
frequencies[i] = newFrequency
scatterObj.modelFrequencies = frequencies
Remember to change the frequency using "newFrequency = Any Number"
(Internal ID=1072352548)