Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] General Discussion

New pricing - "thank you" Chaos...

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I jsut got an email, out of nowhere, 1 day before my billing date about the price of my subscription went from EUR 24 To EUR 59 - this is really crazy, I do not need premium I do not need extra licenses, I am occasional user who was already spending 24 EUR a month on something I am using just from time to time but more than doubling the price is really not cool, especially in current economy and situation. I knew that Corona being bought by Chaos is a bad thing, but I didn't await something so crazy. This will just make all the hobby / occasional users end their subscriptions.  What was the point really?

While there is more information to come soon, your next renewal is at the current/old pricing. You will have time before any new pricing is charged to review, once all information is out.

Yes, there definitely needs clarifcation on the solo vs premium - especially regards the license mechanism. - e.g still the Chaos licensing server? I have this set up so that I can easily switch between my Mac for lookdev and scene building and then release it to my threadripper for final rendering. Absolutely esssential right now whilst trying to keep costs down in the energy mess.

Yes, the emails were sent in wrong order, we are putting the proper info on the website. You will be able to switch to to yearly pricing to more or less keep the current price

Just cut the markting blahblah. It's either crippling existing license use (no floating license anymore) or a hefty price increase.


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