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Messages - BigAl3D

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 61
Just throwing this idea out there. What if you set your scene with LightMix. Render the one animation in daylight. Then change the lighting in the LightMix panel and export the night version. I assume you can do this, but you'd only have to render once and transition in a video app between the two. I have not used LightMix for an animation, but I think that can be done. LightMix is pretty powerful.

I have had a similar issue, but it was always the Interactive Viewport. I opened your scene and viewport render, interactive viewport, picture viewer and VFB all matched.

The Linear Workflow Shading was ON for me. When I turned it off, then the issue showed up. Interestingly, previously for me. it was always an older project file. If I copied everything, created a blank scene and then pasted, this problem went away.

Maybe the Linear setting was a default at some point.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: glass
« on: 2024-09-25, 18:47:35 »
You need to post an image of some kind. Too many questions to answer. If you have a couple of glasses on a table that's one thing. Do you have a bar scene with dozens of glasses and shapes? Are you rendering with Caustic effects? More info is needed.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: OSl flakes in C4D corona??
« on: 2024-09-17, 19:25:41 »
Whoops, didn't realize this was for Max.

This looks very interesting indeed.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: OSl flakes in C4D corona??
« on: 2024-09-17, 19:23:22 »
I've seen people use a normal map with faceted shapes in the reflection slot. Not sure if OSL is better or if the Normal map is sufficient.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: ornatrix hair with corona-c4d
« on: 2024-09-07, 01:13:37 »
Their website mentions V-Ray, Redshift, Octane and Arnold as supported render engines. Not sure you will be able to use that, unless you render with native and composite.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Cannot open the Cosmos Browser
« on: 2024-08-30, 20:43:33 »
While they fix the bug at its root, this may be helpful to you. I had that same error recently.

I don't remember having to download and install Cosmos separately. Probably delete the files I posted and re-install Corona. Might as well reboot for good measure. If it Cosmos shows up, it will then figure out the stuff you already downloaded and update if necessary.

Reach out to support if this is not correct.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: team render error
« on: 2024-08-12, 15:49:24 »
I'm guessing you will be asked for details about the scene, C4D and Corona versions and, of course, detailed info about your system showing available hard drive space and how much RAM.

The "unknown error" is frustrating. Not sure if there is another log that has more details about what happened. This error is almost certainly on the C4D side. One thing Team Render doesn't like is using WiFi for rendering. Can overwhelm the connection.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Chaos Cosmos Won't Load
« on: 2024-08-07, 23:00:06 »
These steps from support fixed it right away. Also, to my surprise, after Cosmos loaded back up it remembered any models I had previously downloaded. Nice.

Mac OS Steps:
Please uninstall Chaos Cosmos from Applications, then delete the cpkg.db and cpkg.meta files from your documents in the Chaos Cosmos folder. If they are not there, please open ~/Library/ApplicationSupport/Chaos/Cosmos/DB and delete them from there. However, those 2 files must be deleted before reinstalling Cosmos.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Chaos Cosmos Won't Load
« on: 2024-08-05, 22:33:33 »
Didn't change a thing. Guess I'll have to open a ticket.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Chaos Cosmos Won't Load
« on: 2024-08-05, 22:25:59 »
Thanks for the reply. Yeah, on Mac it's called the Activity Monitor. Searched for Corona, Chaos and Cosmos with zero results. Not sure that is unusual or not. Didn't know Cosmos would show up a separate process.

As I stated, I installed the latest daily just to see. Restarted C4D and still nothing. Maybe I'll reboot the system and check. Post back soon.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Chaos Cosmos Won't Load
« on: 2024-08-05, 20:28:41 »
I was running release v12, but then download v13 daily just to see if it fixed my problem, but no. It did not.

[C4D] I need help! / ***SOLUTION*** Chaos Cosmos Won't Load
« on: 2024-08-05, 20:14:38 »
I was going to download a mode and the update message came up. I clicked update since it says it will only take a few seconds. After a few minutes, I canclelled it. Now all I get is this message when tryin to open Cosmos Browser:

"Cannot open the Cosmos Browser, because Cosmos Service is not running."

Any idea how to fix this?

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Slow Preparing Geometry
« on: 2024-07-21, 00:34:54 »
Turned of most displacement in the materials and changed the Displacement setting to World --- No difference at all.

Switched to Path Tracing. Lighting is Physical Sky and Sun object --- Cut the render time in half.  ***Edit*** I also turned OFF motion blur. I think that's the culprit. I think the default settings of 4 and 1 segments. Sigh.

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