Dear Corona developers,
as I discussed with one of your colleagues at discord, I would like to know whether the following is possible or not.
analysing the image noise for each frame at the beginning will cost a relative high amount of time, but after a lot of passes, lets say 35, the relative amount is really small and could save a lot of time when it's done each frame because you don't have to wait 5 more long rendering passes.
how about telling corona to analyse the image more often when corona gets closer to the setup noise limit... let's say it starts with every 5th frame and has a limit of 4%, after maybe 10 passes the noise limit get's closer, maybe 6%, at this point corona should analyse the image every 3rd frame. rendering is going on and after 16 passes the noise limit is around 4,3%, here it starts to analyse every other frame for example.
long story short, the closer the rendering gets to the set noise limit, the more often the image should be calculated.