Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D => [C4D] I need help! => Topic started by: Cinemike on 2020-10-29, 23:04:07

Title: Distance Shader, Clones and Fields
Post by: Cinemike on 2020-10-29, 23:04:07
I have a plane and am distributing clones on it. With a falloff I fade out certain clones by scaling them to 0.
Now they may be gone in the rendering but they still are recognized by the Distance Shader and cause an effect.

Does anybody know how to prevent this AND keep the setup parametric? I don't want to use any correction deformer tricks either, the actual mesh is really high poly and it would take tons of RAM and time with this deformer.

In case there is no recent solution: Could the Distance shader, for a later version, have an option to not evaluate objects that have a scale of 0?

Title: Re: Distance Shader, Clones and Fields
Post by: Cinemike on 2020-10-31, 19:17:20
I can, of course, forget about the falloff in the falloff and shoot all scale-zero-clones straight into space via the position parameter while the scale-1-clones stay put. Not THE solution, but A soluton with limited use.
I'll place a request in "features".