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Messages - valerostudio

Pages: [1]
If folks have been part of the VRay for SketchUp beta team, will they get the opportunity to work on the Corona/VRay inside of SketchUp beta team?

Read the blogs guys. Chaos Group is going to be involved in this plugin very soon.

Very excited to see things moving along! Thank you Corona Team!

[Archive] Chaos Corona for Sketchup / Promo on SketchUcation
« on: 2016-06-17, 17:41:08 »
Were you guys aware that this is being promoted on SketchUcation with a banner and a link to this

Anyone else getting a Ruby Console open with "false" when they start SU?

Thea has a pretty nice approach as far as a material editor goes. You have 2 options, one is very basic with some presets that you choose (Plastic, Metal, Glass, Thin Glass, Car Paint, etc) with a couple of simple sliders for reflection and glossiness. If you want a more advanced tools, then you open the material in an external editor with all the bells and whistles. You can also load materials from a library this way.

I get about 80% of my SketchUp materials setup with these shortcuts. Auto-bump from the sketchup material is a huge time saver too, and something that VRay does not have currently. Most of the time, you can get away with using a grayscale image of your diffuse as a bump, just to add some texture. In Thea's material editor its a one click thing.

That worked! Thanks!!!

I am also getting this issue when starting with Corona for SketchUp.

Error: #<Fiddle::DLError: can't load c:/users/mvalero/appdata/roaming/corona for sketchup/bin/Bridge.dll>
C:/PROGRA~1/SketchUp/SKETCH~2/Tools/RubyStdLib/fiddle/import.rb:85:in `rescue in block in dlload'
C:/PROGRA~1/SketchUp/SKETCH~2/Tools/RubyStdLib/fiddle/import.rb:82:in `block in dlload'
C:/PROGRA~1/SketchUp/SKETCH~2/Tools/RubyStdLib/fiddle/import.rb:73:in `collect'
C:/PROGRA~1/SketchUp/SKETCH~2/Tools/RubyStdLib/fiddle/import.rb:73:in `dlload'
c:/users/mvalero/appdata/roaming/corona for sketchup/bridge.rbs:20:in `<module:Bridge>'
c:/users/mvalero/appdata/roaming/corona for sketchup/bridge.rbs:14:in `<module:SketchupCorona>'
c:/users/mvalero/appdata/roaming/corona for sketchup/bridge.rbs:13:in `<main>'
c:/users/mvalero/appdata/roaming/corona for sketchup/plugin.rbs:5:in `eval'
c:/users/mvalero/appdata/roaming/corona for sketchup/plugin.rbs:5:in `require'
c:/users/mvalero/appdata/roaming/corona for sketchup/plugin.rbs:5:in `<main>'
C:/PROGRA~1/SketchUp/SKETCH~2/Tools/extensions.rb:197:in `eval'
C:/PROGRA~1/SketchUp/SKETCH~2/Tools/extensions.rb:197:in `require'
C:/PROGRA~1/SketchUp/SKETCH~2/Tools/extensions.rb:197:in `load'
c:/users/mvalero/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2016/sketchup/plugins/coronaloader.rbs:17:in `register_extension'
c:/users/mvalero/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2016/sketchup/plugins/coronaloader.rbs:17:in `<module:SketchupCorona>'
c:/users/mvalero/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2016/sketchup/plugins/coronaloader.rbs:3:in `<main>'
SketchUp:1:in `eval'

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