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Messages - Aram Avetisyan

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 39
Gallery / Re: Bokeh is your Friend
« on: 2024-04-18, 07:15:15 »
Out of curiosity, have you mean utilizing the DOF Highlight solver for the renders?

Please note that the below is not yet fully decided, so I cannot provide you with very specific details:
We will soon release a Corona 11 Hotfix 2 which will support 3ds Max 2025 and will assume the ACES/OCIO workflow as the new default with some kind of automated or semi-automated way of correctly displaying the image in the VFB. We are not sure how exactly this will be done, but we will do it in the usual Corona style so that you don't have to worry about it. :)

the changelog of hotfix 2 is a bit vague about it - does display transform from 3ds' ocio setup works with Corona or not yet?

It does not, just yet, but it is planned. Actually it is the missing piece from 3ds Max Color management support.

As display transform is a bit technical (to find, to understand, to use etc.), we just went with general "OCIO is not fully supported" way, to encourage users use Gamma workflow for now, for consistent and expected results.

First of all, make absolutely sure you are using Gamma workflow, no OCIO modes, as these are not fully supported yet even with Corona 11 HF2 and Max 2025.

Then do as Romullus told - apparently the CTexmap in VFB is shown as "data image" and there is no gamma correction applied to it.
But when you save it out (even with default "Automatic" settings, no manual gamma override), the output is as the input image.
Just quickly tested this in a simple PNG file, everything seems working fine.

[Max] I need help! / Re: I need help with creating material
« on: 2024-04-16, 21:46:11 »
It seems a tiling issue to me.
I think you should enable the randomization for each tile, and then tweak the settings to your liking.


The noise level is doing the correct thing - it is reporting the average "error" in the render. What if you mistakenly exclude an object which contributes significantly to the noise. How more accurate such noise level calculation is? Of course it is relative to the scene and it is a good practice to do test renders and get an estimate of noise levels that are good enough for the specific scene and shot.

For the shadowcatcher/plane cleaning up faster than the rest - adaptivity takes care of this, and if plane is relatively less noisy, more samples will be dedicated to the rest.
You can as well reduce the adaptivity recalculation to less passes than the default 5 - this will calculate the noise level more frequently, if it helps.

In such cases the pass limit is the better indicator of "cleanliness".
But you can achieve to some degree what you are reffering to by creating render regions - the noise level will be calculated for these parts specifically.

Hope this helps.

[Max] I need help! / Re: I need help with creating material
« on: 2024-04-16, 03:33:40 »

You are pretty close. The effect you are looking for is most probably achieved by reflection glossiness (the inverse of roughness and vice versa) and a bit of bump.
You can simply download the sample from the link you shared as a texture and create different greyscale maps from it for roughness and bump.
I think the part you are missing is the texture mapping/scale at this point, rather than the material channels.

[Max] I need help! / Re: mapping help
« on: 2024-04-15, 07:27:45 »
Note that you can even use Curved decals with Corona 12 Daily builds, which should be the real use case for you I believe.

Remember to back up your scenes though when opening them with experimental/daily builds.

Gallery / Re: Bokeh is your Friend
« on: 2024-04-13, 06:00:24 »
These are great examples, thanks for sharing!

[Max] I need help! / Re: Node to rotate a texture?
« on: 2024-04-13, 05:58:14 »
Ideally, you would use the OSL UVW Transform map and it should be enough, but it simply multiples the input values, does not transform.

While this:
OSL might do what you're after, maybe?

works exactly as you would expect. So give it a go.

P.S. it actually works for CoronaBitmap too (instead of OSL file name map), it is just 3ds Max that does not show the node connection lines, but it is there.

[Max] I need help! / Re: mapping help
« on: 2024-04-13, 05:39:35 »

I am not sure I exactly got what you wanted to have (a screenshot or image would help here) but from what you have described, I am sure that it is well possible to do with Corona decal.

If you want, share an image of what you want to get and the sample file, and I will help you out.

Generally, I would not have high expectations with texture baking, but it seems that the available render elements for baking in Corona give mostly the beauty (whole lighting information, including caustics), for the selected objects with the specified UV map, which I think can be used, at least to some degree, for baking.

I would go with the trial and error approach.
You can have a look at the screenshot and scene attached.

Random though: maybe you have changed the system units (by opening another scene or simply changing them) and when opening this scene back again, you did not adopt this scene's units? This can cause misinterpretation of lighting objects size (including lightmtl objects) which can affect their lighting too.

But from the first glance, it seems a tone mapping/color management issue.
Please check if you have Gamma workflow or OCIO in 3ds Max color management.
If you have OCIO, then the result in Corona VFB is linear (not like what you would see with Gamma workflow, even with tone mapping). If you have gamma workflow, then it should work fine.

In any case, try changing the Color management settings just to see if you are able to get any of the results (original or the modified one) with any of the color management settings.
If you are able to consistently get them, then we will be sure that this was from sudden change of color management settings.

Thanks for trying out and confirming!

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: The most wanted feature?
« on: 2024-03-31, 18:44:39 »
I want to have composition and resolution lock in vray camera


Do you mean per-camera resolution (composition) lock (and other options I suppose) for CoronaCamera?

[Max] I need help! / Re: Ctrl+Z (Undo) Crashing Max
« on: 2024-03-28, 10:41:17 »
Not quite, as it is a separate plugin which also received updates. I am not sure how the installation was done on your side though.

Just search in Add or Remove programs (installed apps on windows 11) for 3ds Max Scene Security tools.
If it appears, you have them, if it doesn't, you don't.

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