Chaos Scatter > [Scatter] Feature Requests

Scatter option - No repeats

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It would be so useful for scattering people if there was an option not to use models more than once saving duplicates in the scene and just randomly distributing people in a given space

So you pick 100 different models, scatter them in some area, and none of them is duplicated? Interesting...

If Corona scatter would read instanced objects from the list sequentially, then all you have to do, is to set total number of instances to be equal to the count of unique objects...

You can still try that and if number of unique objects is not too big, you should be able to find random seed combination where no instace is duplicated.


--- Quote from: maru on 2019-05-21, 11:06:48 ---So you pick 100 different models, scatter them in some area, and none of them is duplicated? Interesting...

--- End quote ---

Yeah essentially that. Ive been looking for a way to just have a max file full of good 3d people and scatter them within a given area but i cant find a way of doing it without duplicates :(


--- Quote from: romullus on 2019-05-21, 11:45:24 ---If Corona scatter would read instanced objects from the list sequentially, then all you have to do, is to set total number of instances to be equal to the count of unique objects...

You can still try that and if number of unique objects is not too big, you should be able to find random seed combination where no instace is duplicated.

--- End quote ---

Thats an interesting method ill give it a try thanks


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