Twice i got this problem :
I start an animation render, then i leave the Pc using "Windows+L" session lock shortcut...
when i come back, the current frame took hours to complete instead of 2-3 minutes...
I could imagine in a locked session, Corona stops render (i've always done this with maxwell / vray etc... never stopped anything...)
BUT, it did not act like if the render were stopped during the lock then resumed back... it just seams to render far too long...
For ex : 1 hour ago i log into my session, and the first frame (started yesterday at 6pm) was ok in 3mn, the second also, but the 3rd was started a 4am this night, and seams to have redered for more than 4 hours... of course this frame is rendered in 3mn also when i restart it without locking the session...
I tried both local and backburner with same issues...
I could let my PC logged in, but i do prefer to lock the session to prevent any chance for someone to use it...
Any idea ?