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IPR need reactivation for materials with mixture shader - Daily Build 2021-06-05


IPR need reactivation for materials with mixture shader in displacement channel, when you change view - Daily Build 2021-06-05
MACOS 10.15.7

Any form of displacement will need IR reactivated when changing view - by default displacement is in Screen mode, where to save memory and processing time only what is in the camera view is displaced (so changing views will show things that have lower detail or no displacement). This is expected and by design :)

You can swap to World displacement if you like, but then you will have much higher memory requirements and have a longer processing time to process displacement (but no need to start IR as everything in the scene will be displaced to full detail).

Okay, i used this texture only for Displacement. One layer of the mixed shaders seems to work with updating viewangle in displacement channel.


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