Chaos Scatter > [Scatter] Feature Requests

Corona Scatter - Start/End

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--- Quote from: Frood on 2017-05-24, 08:56:38 ---Maybe a larger approach (also UI) for this like those for posts of the railing object - to keep it extendable? Just as an example pick ideas from.

Good Luck

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This was my idea, but I didnt want to ask for too much not to scare the devs off.


--- Quote from: Tanakov on 2017-05-24, 20:50:24 ---to scare the devs off.

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It´s better and easier for everyone, even or escpecially for developement to keep further enhancements in mind. A good example was/is the frame buffer window title: Instead of adding this and later that, a perfectly extendable and customisable approach has been chosen. So don´t hesitate :]

Good Luck

Christa Noel:
I love coronaScatter. I'll vote every feature request for coronaScatter.

--- Quote from: Tanakov on 2017-05-24, 20:50:24 ---..I didnt want to ask for too much..

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hi Tanakov, imho we can ask as many as we can, as long as its reasonable, logic and use the procedures.

--- Quote from: Tanakov on 2017-05-24, 20:50:24 ---...not to scare the devs off.

--- End quote ---
trust me, they're monster they have no fear ;D


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