Author Topic: Displacement edge tearing  (Read 2327 times)

2014-02-26, 13:12:29


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My first post on the forum,

First off all, hi everybody and congrats to the developer for a wonderful rendering engine!

I am trying to improve my final exam renders and decided to use corona.
These are the original renders I made, modeled in autocad with my partner Rizzo Nicola and rendered using Vray.
The time was tight so I wasn't able to do everything I wanted, but now that my leg is broken I have all the time in the world :)

I started setting up the scene in corona, illuminating was a breeze, only need to sort the dark part on the entrance, maybe using a plane with CoronaPortalMtl?

I'm having some problems with the brick displacement.If I apply the displacement directly to the object, i get open edges (sorry for the not finished render)

I tried a trick that user maru posted and applied a smooth modifier to the mesh with threshold value of 180 and I get this :(

displacement settings are projected size 0,4 and max subdivision per poly 200, I tried with lower/higher values but I get WTF error bad allocation...

Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post