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Why is Corona Blender exporter developed by community, not by us
Nothing better than a licence that screws over the original developers, users, and plugin developers. All while Richard Stallman is sitting in the back, laughing, and eating something from his foot :D
Yeah some people got the whole "freedom" concept all wrong... Ubuntu users bitch about the fact that you can run commercial paid software in it although the OS is and always stays free. So some guys actually think that OS sucks cause they have a choice for more products to run in it.
So even though it's sad I wouldn't be surprised if some blender users would actually complain that you can run corona inside it (because corona isn't open source...)
--- Quote from: lacilaci on 2013-04-25, 07:50:09 ---So even though it's sad I wouldn't be surprised if some blender users would actually complain that you can run corona inside it (because corona isn't open source...)
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There are actually such users :D
--- Quote ---It's not a limit of the GPL, but a clear limit of commercial software vendors who choose to lock up stuff. They want to play the "we keep everything ourselves" game, and then blame others who choose to be open?
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--- Quote ---The good side of GPL - and how it worked for Blender very well - is that it requires to stay entirely "free". That's all.
Once you start polluting that with commercial components, it would end up in no time in a cripple product where users have to pay for every cool and useful module.
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--- Quote ---The risk though is what Ton outlined, people start making powerful modules for Blender that you might have to spend perhaps upwards of 100 USD or Euros to get access to
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Hm, I'm a little confused. I wonder how to OTOY is getting around the GPL restrictions then? They've been developing (err, "were" developing?) an integrated plugin for Blender for Octane. I haven't heard any updates on it in a while, so it may have fallen through the cracks, I have no idea. But they didn't seem to have any problems with licensing, I wonder why?
At any rate, I'd be interested in collaborating on an open-source exporter, even if it's not an integrated plugin. Exporting to Corona and rendering externally is better than not being able to use it at all! :)
It is possible to make commercial plugin for GPL software, I am not saying it is not, its just the speed and quality will be worse and implementation will be much more complicated
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