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Hey, is there a direct link to the latest daily? 5/27/22 sound kind of old.

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: volume material test
« on: 2019-02-17, 04:12:41 »

...That said, it is up to the dev team to decide whether this is something possible to improve, and if the required amount of work and time to improve this would be justified.

Any word yet on if this is possible to improve?

Just for information, here is a thread where Chaos is tracking a similar problem in Maya using alSurfaceShader.
Looks like they are solving it with surfaceID.

Maybe you could check with Vlado since you guys are on the same teams now. I know they had the same problem and found a solution for it several years back.

Respectfully, I would add that not solving this issue would be an absolute killer for character animation.

Ha!!! Forgive me. Just overly excited to see this fixed!


I've seen this problem before in Vray - many years ago.

In Arnold the problem is solved by "tagging multiple objects as belonging to the same SSS 'set' so that illumination will blur across object boundaries"
See here:
And see the last pict on the left "Without 'shareSSS'".

To solve this bug, we need this shareSSS feature in Corona!!!

[Max] I need help! / Re: SSS and Material IDs
« on: 2018-02-04, 02:17:33 »
I've seen this problem before in Vray - many years ago.
In Arnold the problem is solved by "tagging multiple objects as belonging to the same SSS 'set' so that illumination will blur across object boundaries"
See here:
And see the last pict on the left "Without 'shareSSS'".

We need this shareSSS feature in Corona!!!

[Max] I need help! / Re: SSS and Material IDs
« on: 2018-01-27, 04:54:40 »
What is all of the sub mats are SSS? Seeing the same results here.

[Max] I need help! / Re: SSS and Material IDs
« on: 2017-12-27, 04:55:32 »
Your may need to paint a flesh colored strip around your texture. It is probably sampling the black pixels from the map.

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Human skin
« on: 2017-11-09, 03:43:42 »
Looks great. Did you use the stock settings or make any changes?

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