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Displacement testing needed
Is 10 000 subdiv enough ?
I have to use turbosmooth to get good results.
Don't pay attention to the noise I messed up with gamma correction.
Ludvik Koutny:
I do not know what protect border is.
As for Max subdiv per poly, I too think even 9999 might not be sometimes enough. I proposed to raise cap to one more digit and set default to 16 000. Hopefully, that change will make it to the new build. (Currently, some shading components are being rewritten in order to implement participating media, so there will be 3-4 days break before next daily build)
As a temporary workaround, i suggest you apply subdivide modifier to any objects in your scene with displacement materials, and set subdivision size in the modifier to about 100mm to make sure tessellation of all the geometry remains consistent. You can always disable visibility of the modifier in viewport only to keep your scene light and fast.
Ludvik Koutny:
Ahh... sorry, i missed one of your posts... Now i understand... :) Protect border means boundary edges of the geometry will stay in place so there are no gaps between displaced objects and surrounding objects in case these objects are edge to edge aligned to the displaced object. Am i correct?
I think a "waterlevel" function might also be nice. To clip geometry.
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