Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] I need help!

Adjusting light selects inside photoshop

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So using the light selects inside corona its possible to adjust the lighting color etc. with the lightmix feature.
I want to be able to do this but inside the photoshop by adjusting the individual light selects.

Do anyone have an idea on how to do this?

I have been trying to adjust the lightselects inside photoshop but with no luck.
Is this even possible?

It is possible. You'll have to save to EXR format (or CXR, and rename to EXR) as you need the high dynamic range. JPGs and PNGs are no good here :)

Then stack them in Linear Add mode. Then use Adjustment Layers (use the option to only affect the layer it is attached to) such as Exposure and Hue to make the same adjustments as intensity and color do in the VFB/CIE.

Also, you could just use the CIE (Corona Image Editor), depending on what you want to do? This lets you do all the LightMix stuff in post without having Max or C4D open.

PS you won't need the Beauty pass, as assembling the LightMix layers will give the Beauty (until you turn some on or off, adjust their intensity, or their color, etc :) )

wow Tom thanks alot, i will try this and check if i can get it to work! :D

Let us know if you have any problems and we'll be happy to try to help. Also, you can do the same thing in a video editor, and animate the Exposure and Color changes, the on-offs, fade in opacity to have lights come on or off gently, and thus make an animation out of only one frame of rendering (though only the lighting will be animating of course ;) )


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