Chaos Scatter > [Scatter] Resolved Bugs in 3ds Max
Chaos Scatters heavily affecting viewport FPS
Ink Visual:
--- Quote from: romullus on 2023-07-20, 16:57:27 ---Did you try to disable update automatically option in scatter's viewport display rollout? Maybe that could help somehow with performance?
--- End quote ---
Hi Romullus, yes just tried this, not a tiny difference in performace, just as bad as with autoupdate.
I did another test, added scatter with 50000 boxes scattered on the simple plane. This scene with highpoly models, 10mln Verts, is playing at 20FPS without scatter.
After adding the box scatter it drops down to 10FPS. Even if I hide scatter, it remains at 10FPS, only disabling or removing scatter brings back 20FPS performance.
Remember that I have flexibility to disable/enable scatters only if they are physically in the scene. If they are xrefed, there's nothing that I can do to improve performance rather than disabling xref.
Scatters are rarely xrefed on their own, usually they are part of landscape/context file, with all the paving and other elemnts that are essential to be visible in the viewport while animating cameras.
Real pain to deal with.
Ink Visual:
Bumping topic up for v11 since I've seen there are some new features being added to scatter in daily builds.
Would be great to resolve the performance issues of the existing features if possible.
This is on the Scatter team's todo list.
Ink Visual:
Thanks Maru, happy to hear that!
Ink Visual:
Hi Maru,
Hi, just bumping the thread up.
Was this fixed in latest Corona releases by any chance?
We're still on Corona 9 but are hoping to upgrade to 11 soon if the issues with viewport performance have been fixed?
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