Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] General Discussion

WireTex in TexMap with displacement / AO directionnality



not sure it's a feature request or something I'm missing,
so my apologize for posting here if irrelevant.

I'm used to render a wire pass, to avoid double render I'm using the WireTex in a TexMat pass. Although I noticed by using displacement the WireTex is displaying the displaced topology. With very low pixel size it does quite a dense mesh, not to say black dark mashup.

Is there currently a way to build that pass at render time before displacement is applied ? Or should I go for re rendering with an override material without disp ? In that case, if it's not too hard it would be nice to have a tick box 'ignore disp' in WireTex option.

Good evening !

May I as well ask what is directionnality for the AO map and how it works ? I can understand the spread but that other factor is rather mysterious, may be kind of bias ?


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