Author Topic: Scene Converter Details  (Read 2071 times)

2024-03-18, 18:54:56


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I'm trying to find details on what the options in the Scene Converter tool actually do. I'm talking about:

Metalness-->Autodetect, All Metal and No Metal

Convert Shaders-->As Selected and All In Selected Objects

I see a new Cinema Bitmaps option too.

2024-03-18, 19:34:24
Reply #1


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The Metalness options are covered in (similar documentation should follow for C4D I believe). Basically it's have Corona make an educated guess on whether it should be a Metal material, or have it always create a Metal material, or never create a Metal material. Use Auto unless you find your plants and grass are turning into metals, in which case use never which is No Metal (usually there are less metals in a scene and so easier to manually go through and adjust those after conversion). Unfortunately many pre-Physical Material materials were set up with unfeasibly high IORs for instance, which should only happen on metals, so may be interpreted by Corona as metal during conversion.

I haven't tried the second, I'd say that either it converts the selected shaders, or it converts all shaders in select objects, letting you choose whether to select objects as a whole and convert everything on them, or to select specific shaders that you want to convert.
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us

2024-03-18, 23:07:45
Reply #2


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Thanks Tom. I was searching in a different help section. I should've mentioned that the scene I am converting uses very basic standard C4D materials as they came in via FBX. I don't have V-ray, so couldn't use the C4D that came with this purchased model. If I did have V-ray, how close are the created Corona materials' appearance to their V-ray counterparts?

2024-03-19, 12:02:05
Reply #3


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It will vary depending on the material, and even the settings in the material, as to how close a look can be obtained :) Also the conversions are still being improved at this time, so would be best to have a look after the code freeze / final release, as things should still be getting better here and there.
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us

2024-03-19, 23:03:38
Reply #4


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Well, I managed to find an expired demo of V-ray. I was able to open this scene, took forever though. At first, when this conversion window came up, I chose to update the Vray stuff. The materials just never finished updating as they just appeared transparent (checkerboard, but if I clicked on one the beach ball would come up so it was doing something. The ones that did finish, remained as checkerboards and took a very long time. I closed it out and reopened, but this time, I chose to hit cancel on that Vray screen which seemed to work. I could see the textures in the preview spheres Immediately. Hit convert scene and overall a good job getting me close to where I need to be. This scene is a city street and a handful of items did not convert completely. Anything with the tag below was left untouched. The street material was a complex material and I was only able to get it "in the ballpark", but usable. There were a couple of cars in this scene and none of the glass materials came through correctly. Transparent yes, but like air. Tomorrow, I may go through and see any other specific Vray shaders that didn't convert in case the devs don't have them all on their to-do list.

There are light poles in this scene too and they had fake light glows created with planes, a light glint/haze and a luma matte in the Opacity node. The opacity just didn't work right, even though it seemed to be set up correctly. I played with the exposure of the matte to no avail. Seems like the leaf materials for some trees had similar issues.

LegacyVrayShader did not convert at all. You can't even see what textures were used in them either.

Would be nice if the converter had some sort of progress bar, just for sanity's sake.

P.S. I did not explore the Corona Legacy material vs. converting to Physical if that makes any difference.

2024-03-20, 09:07:17
Reply #5


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As mentioned by my colleague, the scene converter is still being worked on and is somewhat experimental. It's likely that you may not get the results as expected. We do plan to make this bigger and better than before :)
Bengamin Jerrems:
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2024-03-20, 09:15:15
Reply #6


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Please don't overcomplicate the UI there!
Otherwise one will have to earn a degree from the Corona Academy to handle that.

2024-03-23, 15:58:04
Reply #7


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Is there a possible way to customize the converter?

2024-03-25, 09:15:48
Reply #8


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Is there a possible way to customize the converter?
Not to my knowledge but what did you have in mind? It could always be requested and we can see ;)
Bengamin Jerrems:
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2024-03-25, 14:18:23
Reply #9


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Is there a possible way to customize the converter?
Not to my knowledge but what did you have in mind? It could always be requested and we can see ;)
In short, to have all options/channels available for customization (on/off & to mod values, if/when need be).
Far fetched, IK (adding it to my 'proposal' list :D / ;)