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Messages - BigAl3D

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[C4D] Resolved Bugs / Re: B1 r2 and TeamRender Problem
« on: 2018-01-12, 18:45:05 »
@Shane_w OK so I just did another test. Again, just one render node available (not even C4D is available). One frame to TeamRender equals bug. Using Shane's trick and sending two frames works as expected.

[C4D] Resolved Bugs / B1 r2 and TeamRender Problem
« on: 2018-01-11, 18:57:46 »
Tried to use the Report Bug button, but it won't take my login so I posed that code at the bottom. Anyway, I was trying out B1 r2 and it mostly works. For me, TeamRender is not quite there. Corona normally renders the whole screen blocky, then refines until it reaches the number of passes you set. When using TeamRender, even with only one node, it will render from the bottom of the screen and VERY slow to render. I was using the free "Dinning Scene Final" file which, at the moment, cannot find the link where I downloaded it.

My slower Mac Pro can render that scene in 12 min. at 10 passes and denoise. I let the TeamRender render overnight with my fast renderbox, and it did fill the screen, but the quality was very poor (like the attachment) after 16 hours. Not sure what's going on with that.

I also tried this in r18, but the render node on my server crashes, but does not give my a report. I will double-check that, but that box is updating Windows at the moment.

Full-speed non-debug version
Build timestamp: Jan  8 2018 17:04:04
Version: B1 rc 2 (core 1.7 (hotfix 2))
Cinema version: CINEMA 4D Studio R17.055 S
Plugin status: initialized successfully


[C4D] General Discussion / Background Image Plate
« on: 2017-08-14, 19:58:26 »
So I'm trying to get better at rendering cars so I can composite into image plate. The only thing I can't figure out is how to have the background image display in the viewport/render? Right now I have a Background object with a Corona Compositing Tag set to Seen By Camera, but nothing renders in the background. What am I missing?

Ah thanks guys, much appreciated. Some good stuff in those links. I mostly interested in automotive rendering/animation so really trying to learn how to create those types of material in Corona. I see that Corona renders some of C4D's materials with reflectance and not so much of others. I assume there will eventually be a scene converter so an older scene can easily be brought into Corona, at leas most of the heavy lifting anyway?

So what is the latest schedule for Corona for C4D (Mac and PC)? I see references to Beta in one place, but mostly Alpha versions. It seems to be far away from final product or is it just me? Any word on some type of manual? Even a quick start to get familiar with things instead of watching Max videos and having to recreate in C4D. I'm very excited to use Corona in real projects, but I feel I just get stuck with no real resources to turn to.

[C4D] General Discussion / What About Plug-Ins?
« on: 2017-03-31, 16:40:43 »
Since we're all testing this software and reporting when we have problems, I have seen no mention of what plug-ins people have installed at the time of the crashes. Could this also be causing any conflicts with Corona?

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Corona for C4D A6.3 testing
« on: 2017-03-31, 16:38:54 »
I tried A6.3 on three different MacBook and an iMac (all Sierra), Corona still crashes when you create a new corona material or render to picture viewer.
Hi, we need more information to be able to help you. We wrote summary of what help us to reproduce and fix the bugs here:,15447.0.html

Hi , thank you for the answer.For some more clear information about the crash I'm getting; on Cinema 4D versions r16 and r17 are the only versions I tried Corona.I also tried Corona Renderer on a Cinema 4D r17 on Windows , there was no error or crash happened with Windows.The main issue is with MacOs Sierra.There is no problem with the Corona Sun , Corona Sky , Light or Camera.They all work charm.But after you change renderer from Standart to Corona and hit the picture viewer Corona Crashes.Materials aren't working either.When you create "New Corona Material" it gives the same crash report and Cinema app shuts down.None of the versions of Corona I could found worked with MacOs Sierra.All gave the same crash report on the same act.

Here is the crash report:

I just upgraded to Mac OS Sierra 10.12.4 and Corona a6.3 and I am able to hit render in the Picture Viewer no problem. The materials all seem to work as well. I even switched the renderer to Standard and back to Corona and still no crash. So it seems not every Mac is crashing like this.

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Car paint study
« on: 2017-03-16, 22:24:12 »
Those materials look very nice indeed. What software did you make them in?

Work in Progress/Tests / Test Render
« on: 2017-03-16, 20:29:38 »
Just some more playing with Corona and trying to get better at making materials. Here we have the new 2017 Acura NSX in four of it's colors using an HDRI for lighting. Looks pretty nice I think, minus the reflection of the sky dome repeating in the windshield.


Rendered in Cinema 4D r18 on a Mac Pro.

[C4D] Resolved Bugs / Re: Mac Pro Corona Crash
« on: 2017-03-13, 23:10:59 »
I have installed the build you sent me Nikolat, but so far no crashes using C4D. BUT, when my Team Render client launches, I will get these errors pop up (see attachments). I can continue and it opens the Client. I haven't been using Team Render since it seems to render everything very dark with Corona. It also says "get dump"," but I don't know where to find that file.


[C4D] Resolved Bugs / Re: Mac Pro Corona Crash
« on: 2017-03-06, 15:46:46 »
Full-speed non-debug version
Build timestamp: Jan 26 2017 13:27:54
Version: A6.1  (core 1.5 )
Cinema version: CINEMA 4D Studio R17.055 S

Is there a newer version for Mac?

@mrittman The reflectance channel works with Standard and Physical Renderers. It replaced the standard reflection channel. But my point is, that interface you're showing in C4D, only shows up like that when you create a Corona-specific material. It has it's own tabs and options. C4D's isn't less confusing, but I didn't want people to get the wrong idea.

So in that reflectance tab, you can add many layers of materials, textures and effects. Topcoat just adds a nice GUI to the process and adds a bunch of easy-to-use features such as bumps, dents, lots of bumps, blurs, metallic presets and so on. I can make a complex material quickly without know how the deep controls of the reflectance channel works.

Anyway, they're working on a nodal system anyway so this is a moot point, right?

One thing to note in your comparison, is that the the C4D window you're showing is how the material setup looks for Corona materials. Regular C4D materials don't look exactly like that. They use something called the Reflectance Channel where you can layer many different effects to create complex materials. Yes, it is not very user friendly, but only when you add a lot of layers. I ended up buying Topcoat from Greyscale Gorilla which makes working with Reflectance materials much more intuitive.

On top of all that, having all those image wells and keyframe buttons makes it very powerful if you know how to make it sing.

Just wondering if there's a way to convert the C4D materials to Corona instead of re-building each one from scratch? I recall trying out V-Ray for C4D a long time ago and you could hit "Convert to V-ray material." It may not be as optimized, but at least it gets you most of the way there.


[C4D] Resolved Bugs / Re: Mac Pro Corona Crash
« on: 2017-02-17, 17:00:51 »
Thanks for the reply. I understand you're busy working on this project. Here's the crash report. I wasn't aware of the typical ways to submit crash reports or bugs, but I will use them next time. Thanks again and I'm looking forward to the final release!

Oh, I just noticed that link to submit tickets says it's for Max. Should I still use it and indicate it was for C4D on the Mac?

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