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Topics - Ales

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Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQ
Use daily builds at your own risk and always make backups of important projects before opening them with a daily build installed.

Changes in Corona 13 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build) (

  • Fixed:
    • Fixed position of solo button when node preview is minimized
    • Fixed incorrectly converting "Occlude other lights" for V-Ray Lights
    • Fixed issue where IR was still running when VFB2 was closed
    • Fixed setting of focus when VFB2 is first activated
    • Fixed dialog resizing on render start to adjust its size to contain as much of rendered image as possible
    • Fixed issue where interactive rendering would disable denoising blending in VFB2 for the following production rendering
    • Fixed pick and region mode turning off after IR is started
    • Improved rendering speed of Tile shader
    • Fixed crash in pattern occurring when using pattern object with degenerate triangles
    • Fixed issue where changing aperture parameters did not refresh VFB2
    • Light select names in VFB2 now update after renaming and re-rendering, also after switching the edited image
    • Fixed issue where VFB2 could crash when someone deletes history item without using VFB2 controls
    • Fixed issue in Corona Image Editor where tonemapping in rare cases could look different than tonemapping in Corona VFB
    • Fixed issue where NVidia denoiser was not applied during production rendering, added missing refresh of VFB when denoising is done
    • Light mix layers can now be toggled by clicking on the entry widget, not just the checkbox, same as in the old VFB

Note: All changes in this build will be released in a v12 Hotfix

Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQ
Use daily builds at your own risk and always make backups of important projects before opening them with a daily build installed.

Changes in Corona 12 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build) (

  • Fixed:
    • Fixed rare crash in Scanned Material
    • Fixed color picker stuttering when changing values via HWB
    • Fixed freeze when updating material preview of Corona material with TilePro shader
    • Fixed crash when switching active camera via camera lister dialog
    • Fixed a typo in Tile shader tooltips
    • Conversion improvements when rendering native C4D materials
    • Fixed NaNs warnings possibly happening in some scenes with small triangles

Note: All changes in this build will be released in a v11 Hotfix

Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQ
Use daily builds at your own risk and always make backups of important projects before opening them with a daily build installed.

Changes in Corona 11 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2023-07-11) (

  • Changed:
    • Updated background images in Windows installer
  • Fixed:
    • Fixed issue where using "Camera physical size" with UHD/4K cache led to freeze
    • Fixed issue where using "Camera physical size" sometimes broke object picking from VFB
    • Fixed issue where CIE crashes after deleting Curves tone mapping operator with opened editor
    • Fixed issue where creating a region during pre-rendering phases lead to crash
    • Fixed problem with Corona light and Corona proxy object not rendering in normal render when instanced using multi-instances as part of hidden instanced group
    • Fixed problem with tone mapping panel in Corona VFB having different background color than the rest of VFB on some macOS systems

Note: All changes in this build will be released in a v10 Hotfix

Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQ
Use daily builds at your own risk and always make backups of important projects before opening them with a daily build installed.

Changes in Corona 10 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2022-11-03) (

  • Fixed:
    • Added 55 materials in material library that were missing in comparison to material library in 3ds Max (Glass, Nature and Plastic categories)
    • Fixed crash on macOS when opening color picker from Corona VFB when Redshift is installed
    • Fixed problem with installer sometimes showing error on macOS even when everything installs correctly

Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQ
Use daily builds at your own risk and always make backups of important projects before opening them with a daily build installed.

Changes in Corona 9 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2022-04-21) (

  • Added:
    • Added support for Cinema 4D S26
  • Fixed:
    • Fixed problem with Avoid collisions in Chaos Scatter not working with Decals

Note: All these changes will be released as a version 8 hotfix later.

[C4D] Daily Builds / Chaos Licensing Feedback/Help
« on: 2022-02-16, 19:19:16 »
Hi Everyone,

In the most recent daily build we have switched from the legacy licensing to the Chaos licensing. You can find the full changelog, including currently known limitations, here: We are also aware of an potential issue that in some cases users can find "No licenses available" in the Chaos License server - we already know the root cause of this and are activelly working on a solution.

This thread is to post any feedback you have on the new licensing, and we'll be monitoring it closely for the next few days in the case anyone has any issues. As usual, if you have some urgent issue please contact support at:

Changes in Corona Renderer 8 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2021-08-16) (

  • Fixed:
    • Fixed conflict with some other renderers caused by usage of the same dependency libraries
    • Fixed problem with Corona Bitmap not working with absolute paths in R14
    • Fixed problem with material library download occasionally not starting when installing on macOS

Note: all changes in this build will be released in a v7 hotfix, so this is more of a hotfix preview than actual v8 daily build.

Hi all,

we are releasing a daily build of the new version of Corona Renderer - Corona Renderer 7 for Cinema 4D. This build introduces support for Cinema 4D R23 released earlier this week and comes with experimental support of the new Scene Nodes system.

Scene Nodes introduced in R23 should now work with both standard and interactive rendering, note however that there are still some limitations to the IR support, for example when using Distribution operator.

Once we properly stabilize R23 support, we will also release update of version 6 that will add support for R23 as well.

Download link:


Changes in Corona Renderer 7 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2020-09-11) (

  • Added:
    • Added support for R23
    • Added experimental support for R23 Scene Nodes

Hi all,

we are releasing our first daily build of Corona Renderer 5 for Cinema 4D. This build contains several new features, but it also comes with some bigger internal changes in the way we handle scene geometry. This should reduce memory usage in some scenes as well as prepare ground for some future improvements. Enjoy! :-)

Download link:


Changes in Corona Renderer 5 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2019-08-30) (
  • Added:
    • Added on/off toggles for Layered material layers
    • Added SelectMaterial
    • Added SelectShader
    • Added MultiShader
    • It's now possible to use materials in include/exclude list in material override
  • Changed:
    • Improved text in checkboxes for enabling/disabling caustics
    • Improved performance of caustics solver in scenes with multiple light sources
    • Updated geometry parsing - reduces RAM usage (depends on the scene) and fixes some memory leaks
    • NaNs are now filtered from VFB
    • Faster IR restarts in scenes with sun(s)
  • Fixed:
    • Fixed exlusion list in material override when adding complex generators (e.g. Extrude)
    • "Generate caustics from environment" now properly updates in IR
    • Fixed disabling caustics in Corona Light material used for environment
    • Fixed some crashes caused by caustics solver
    • Fixes in license activation in some specific cases

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