Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] General Discussion
Not a Bug - Just Need Help w/ General Settings
--- Quote from: maru on 2013-07-15, 18:48:16 ---
--- Quote from: lacilaci on 2013-07-15, 17:36:46 ---Well I don't know, with this amount of light sources as shown in that picture... I'd actually try to increase light sample multiplier to something like 32.
I would try 64PT and 32 for lightsamples and use PT+PT and wait...
--- End quote ---
Hah, so he's getting contradictory information here. :)
Yes, it would be best to see that max file.
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Yes, that's a clear message that he should basicaly try everything :D
But really, corona doesn't have that much settings. It's not like setting up Vray or mental ray.
In cases like this, I'd be more worried about scene setup, than render settings. Things like, if you're using complex meshes as lightsources and what sort of obstruction certain lights have before they actually light up the scene....
thanks for the guidance! I will post the .max file as soon as I get home and hopefully we can get to the bottom of this.
Guys, Maru gave you the complete information. Well, you may be read it though a little? You're asking the questions but you aren't following advice.)))
you have extreme value of rays/sample. You should:
1) check the biggest objects in your scene for excessive albedos (walls, ceiling, floor)
2) decrease light sample multiplier to something reasonable (1-5)
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