Edit: Here is a rewrite of the idea for a Corona Custom Renderstamp. Run the script as whatever (prerender/startup/manually).
To use/test:
- Create a new scene
- Add a daylight system
- Add a frame tag on a frame
- Use for example the following stamp definition:"3ds Max §xv | ForestPack v§pfp | §sft | %v/%n | Time: %pt | Passes: %pp/§rpl | Noise: %pe (§rnl) | Daylight: §ssd • §ssth" in Render setup -> System -> Renderstamp
- Close Render Setup
Please read the header of the script or type:
in the maxscript listener to see all available tokens and scene overrides.
If you want to add your own tokens:
- define the token name and descriptive text in struct "tokens"
- add a function in the case section of "getTokenValue()" for the new token which returns the value as string to use for it
To test/evaluate all tokens use
in the maxscript listener.
Good Luck
Original post:
I was searching for a simple option to have framebased arbitrary text and other information inside the corona renderstamp. Time tags (also called "frame tags") turned out to be the simplest way to do.
Any time tag of the current frame can be put in front of the stamp, so that if you work with animated cameras for stills (e.g. every fifth frame a shot), you can name them by simply adding a tag (see screenshot).
At the moment we cannot setup target noise level and target passes in the renderstamp by UI. The script additionally automatically adds target noise level and target passes to the tokens "%pp" and "%pe" by default when they are used in the render stamp setup string.
You can add your own features, the script is Backburner-proof (it logs into max.log for this reason, to see what's going on) and works also for the CInfo_Renderstamp render element with switched off stamp in render setup (a related bug was fixed recently, so you need at least a current Corona 2.0 daily for that special case).
To use/test:
- Put the script into Pre-Render section of Render Setup -> Scripts
- Go to some frame
- Add a time tag
- Render that frame
Good Luck