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Topics - LE DON

Pages: [1]
[Max] General Discussion / Rejection of reflection
« on: 2023-03-20, 17:33:26 »
I noticed the removal of material reflections was missing in the material overrides. Will it be added in an upcoming update?

[Max] General Discussion / AI in chaos corona
« on: 2023-02-13, 13:55:05 »
AI is experiencing strong growth. In the future, is there any application of AI to chaos corona .make it faster and smarter

[Max] Feature Requests / support chaos vantage
« on: 2022-11-20, 13:00:08 »
when will corona directly support chaos vantage ?

[Max] General Discussion / Design corona improved picker
« on: 2022-04-20, 18:49:59 »
hi guy! Does anyone think the corona picker interface should be redesigned? I think it's disproportionate, disjointed and too big not really neat

Pages: [1]