This hotfix addresses specific issues, and all Corona 12, update 1 users, for both 3ds Max and Cinema 4D, are recommended to download it. Find more details below.
Download now: Corona 12, update 1 for 3ds Max (Hotfix 1)This release brings the following improvements and bug fixes:
Changes:- Chaos installer advanced install - "continue" button is now disabled when no component is selected.
- 3ds Max shortcuts are now disabled for Cosmos sign-in dialog.
- Fixed issue where ForestPack IVY was not animated in production rendering.
- Fixed issue where ForestPack was no longer scattering Corona light sources.
- Fixed issue where light sources scattered with ForestPack were all in the same light mix selection.
- Improved overall responsiveness of UI when rendering with Corona.
Scanned Material:- Fixed "Advanced" dialog not being hidden when license is not available.
- Fixed loading of material when relative paths are stored (Preference Settings > Files > Convert local file paths to Relative).
- License is not obtained immediately after creating the scanned material anymore. It is obtained only when UI is displayed or when writing new parameter values.
Chaos Corona 12, update 1 for Cinema 4D (Hotfix 1)This release brings the following bug fixes and improvements:
Changes:- Fixed VFB2 not showing the rendered image with correct color transformation when "Use Cinema 4D color space" is enabled.
- Fixed issue with some keys not working in Cloud Collaboration tab (e.g. home/end keys when editing project name).
- Fixed issue with Escape key in Cloud Collaboration (and some specific other widgets in VFB2) causing VFB2 to stop updating.
- Fixed incorrectly loaded UV pattern mode in Chaos Scatter for scenes saved in previous Scatter versions.
- Fixed UV pattern mode not showing correct default value when new Chaos Scatter is created.
- Added randomization compatibility option and fixed randomization compatibility for scenes saved in Scatter 5.
- Fixed issues with mouse freezing while terminating C4D after cloud collaboration was opened.
- Fixed some possible performance issues for mouse inputs.
- Updated Cosmos to version 2025.1.8.
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