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Messages - romullus

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 607
Maybe it's worth checking your preferences>viewports settings? "Improved" viewport selection hit algorithm was driving me nuts in Max 2024, until i reduced selection pixel radius to 2. Your issue looks different than it was for me, but maybe they have added some new settings there in Max 2025, you never know.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Corona pattern + randomiser
« on: 2025-02-13, 15:30:17 »
There is some hacky way to get seamless randomization with Corona pattern. Check this message and see if you can apply that technique to your task:

By the way, i managed to find a way to make Chaos scatter distribute objects on faces, vertices and edges. It's a hacky approach and has some limitations, so it's not a substitute for native feature.

Actually allow Corona Scatter to scatter objects with a certain array / regularity over a surface would be nice.

That is already possible in Chaos scatter in aforementioned position distribution mode. It has limited functionality, but certainly could be useful in some scenarios. Give it a try.

Or make it snap on polygon centers, edges or points could also be nice.

Agree with that. This feature could be useful and i think it shouldn't be too hard to implement. Even super limited 3ds Max's native scatter can do that, so Chaos scatter should too.

For relatively non-complex distributions, 3ds Max's array modifier (tool as well) can be very handy as well.
It just may have some limitations - e.g. CoronaLight cannot be arrayed with the modifier.

The OP originally posted this topic in C4D section, i think it's unlikely that 3ds Max array modifier would be much useful to him :]

Why don't you just deactivate tyflow sims that you don't need instead of hiding tyflow object? That way it should not be updating sim anymore.

I’ve attached some images to show what’s happening on my end—maybe I’m missing something? If there’s a workaround, I’d love to hear about it!

I think it would be easier to suggest you something if we could know what exactly you're trying to achieve. Maybe try to adjust your setup, so that Corona layered material could be plugged into multi-sub object and not the other way round.

This can be achieved by changing scatter's surface distribution mode from random to position (formerly known as UV mode). First make sure that the polygons on which you will scatter your objects have proper UV coordinates, then play with scatter's spacing and offset to achieve that each polygon would have only single object scattered on it and that it sits in the center of that polygon - triangles works best here, since you can easily adjust their proportions later and the objects will always stay roughly in the center.

Not sure how much you can transfer from Max to C4D, but i'm attaching screenshot, so you can at least see what i'm talking about.

[Max] I need help! / Re: CShading_SourceColor
« on: 2025-02-07, 22:25:24 »
Don't look at what's displayed in the viewport - it shows wrong colours. You need to save SourceColor element to the disk and then compare. Save it with automatic gamma, not with linear override.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Denoising takes too long in my PC
« on: 2025-02-07, 10:01:54 »
1-70 denoiser amount takes less than 10 seconds,. but 70-75 takes minutes

Hmm, that doesn't make sense, AFAIK denoising should take exactly the same time to compute no matter denoiser amount in the settings, after all you can freely change denoising amount after the fact and it's instant.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Denoising takes too long in my PC
« on: 2025-02-06, 23:49:58 »
What is 1-70 and 71-75? Is it animation frames, or maybe denoising amount? What denoiser you are using? What resolution images you are typically denoising that takes very long? And how exactly long is that too long? Are we talking about seconds, minutes, hours here? Do you have enough RAM? What about other hardware (CPU, GPU model)? Be more specific if you want to get actual help and not just wild guesses.

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