Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Feature Requests
Open Subdivisions native support
Hi there.
i'm not sure if I did this request before or if it's done by someone else but:
Open Subdivisions native support.
I'm working in a project where I need to model pretty complex technical objects and thanks to open subdiv and creases the modelling was super fast and super easy, so a native support for this with adaptativity could be very welcome and can improve the weight of the mesh depending of the camera view so we can have a visible smooth object that usually could have millions of polygons with just a few thousands polys, plus is something already implemented in several packages, max and maya for sure, about C4D i'm not sure, so native support can be cross-platform :)
3ds max is not very friendly to this workflow, so I am not sure about how much it would be feasible - it would have to be done using a separate Corona opensubdiv plugin
I guess you can do it automatically, detect the open SibD modifier an replace it by the corona's one, this way this could be used in any package no matter how they treat the subD modifier or status, so a true native Open SubD support inside Corona :)
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