Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Resolved Feature Requests

Alternative display option for unsupported materials


Alex Abarca:
Hi Corona Team,

The 'red warning override material' can quite disruptive during rendering production. While I understand it’s intended to help identify missing materials, it can be easy for users to overlook. Archvizers often don’t have the time to address every material issue that comes in from external models, like those from Revit, SketchUp and Vray. Additionally, the Corona Converter doesn’t always handle the conversion of every material, which can leave us with the red warning material in final renders.

While I appreciate the warning feature, perhaps this red glow could appear only in Interactive Rendering (IR) rather than in production renders. In production, it would be more helpful if missing materials defaulted to a gray, which many of us commonly use when we don’t have time to texture a model fully. I believe this would align with how many Archvizers work. Also I would exclude the warning material from Lightmix or eliminating the light glow.

Possible solutions could include:

Improving the converter’s capability to convert all materials from Revit, SketchUp, and V-Ray.
Making the 'red warning override material' visible only in IR.
Adding a checkbox in the converter to automatically convert unknown materials to gray.

Thanks for considering these suggestions!


A. feature requests goes to Corona ideas portal, not in a random board on the forum and B. such request is already logged, you can subscribe and track it's progress here:

Moving topic to resolved requests board.


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