Very quick passing thoughts:
- The composition feels off to me, with too much floor and bare wall, with the area of interest squashed into the center of the image.
- The wall and floor material are too even and plain, some more bump, some more imperfections (color variation, roughness variation, footprints - for the floor, not the wall ;) ) could help here
- Same idea of roughness variation I think would help on the wooden materials
- It feels a bit too contrasty for me, the dark areas are darker than I personally would go for
- The lamp in the bottom right is particularly distracting, it needs a good metal with lots of detail for the non-translucent areas (or whatever you material you want to make it out of, right now it looks like a grey clay or plastic with no character). I'd also work on the translucency a bit more, right now it looks as if the light bulb inside is off center inside the lamp which seems strange. I'm also not sure of including it at all, as it pulls my eye over to it every time and away from the main elements of the scene.
Just my personal thoughts on where I'd be going with this image :)