I don’t get it!!!
Playing with various liquids in a glass with the new Physical Material in Corona 7 for MAX
Apparently it is not possible to have the glass and the liquid in the same object - separated by a Material ID?? Which I think is unfortunate - We mostly keep our assets as one object, and it hasn't been a problem before the new way of calculating volumes.
I have followed the description on Corona Helpdesk having the liquid overlapping the inner faces of the container - and I have setup a test scene where i have done the following:
I have a box 10x10x10 cm for the liquid, Mat ID 2. Copied the box, removed the top face and added a shell modifier with inner amount=0,2cm and outer amount =0,3 cm - this should ensure that the liquid would overlap with 0,2 cm on the sides and bottom. I have assigned mat ID 1 to the container.
In the back row I have them as separate parts and as loose parts placed correctly inside each other. I have copied the two objects and attached the inner to the outer ( liquid to glass).
I have also made a lathed object in two versions - one with two splines, the container and the liquid. Each spline has its own Mat ID, 1 for the container and 2 for the liquid.
The other version is made with the splines separated and lathed with an instanced lathe modifier.
I have made a multisub material with the glass on ID 1 and on ID 2 a corona selector material with 6 different liquid materials. One using the new Physical material preset for water and the rest taken unedited from the Corona Material Library.
The scene is lit by an HDRI only.
You can see the result on the attached images.
So my question is …
a) Is it really true that the liquid and the container must be in a separate object to calculate right?
It seems like Corona can’t find out which is which, as the sides of the liquid get the color of the glass absorption color ??!!
b) there are some strange artifacts in the attached objects, some black lines - I can’t find out where they come from - it's not a reflection of the texts - as I have tried to render the scene without and the artifacts were still occuring .
Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?