Hi again, I believe I have some extra suggestions for the Pool+Sea issue.
1) First you can try with RayswitchMtl, where the refraction operation will be handled by a fully transparent material, while the rest of the overrides by the ocean material itself, you might need some extra tweaking depending on your scene/lighting setup and setup your illumination switch accordingly, please try and let me know if it works. (Also attaching example scene saved in 3dsmax 2019)
2) Boolean Operation might be the best way to go for this, especially with 3dsMax 2022 it works pretty great you get to keep your operants somewhat intact and you have full control in reverting mesh status. In my opinion, this is the best approach for now. (example attached in the same scene)
With regard to the sea split into two volumes and the absorption issue, this is rather common I am afraid similar to:
https://forum.corona-renderer.com/index.php?topic=33920.0, it would help if you can still keep your sea meshes separate as elements within the same editable poly. (once again example attached)
Please let me know how it goes.
(Report ID=CRMAX-861)