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Messages - Avi

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 43
Have you tried setting the region in Max itself? Please see the screenshot attached.


Can you help me with the steps to reproduce the same issue on my end? Exactly when does this stop working?

Hey, I can't repro this on my end.

Can you make sure that you are the updated version of Cosmos?

click on the three dots in cosmos then go to "about" then see which version you have.

Also from the screenshots you have posted, it seems like you have launched one cosmos from Corona toolbar and second cosmos browser from V-Ray toolbar as the material shows vray nodes not corona.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Unwram and uvw problem
« on: 2024-08-13, 17:29:45 »
I'm going mad because of that, and i don't know if this problem is a general problem or maybe I am doing something wrong. I added an unwrap map to straighten lines on material. On the view everything is ok but on the render nothing working- nor my unwrap or uvw, even if I want to just scale with uvw. Nothing changes. Can you help me why this unwram not working?

I working on 3dsmax 2025 and the newest corona. I've tried on max 2024 but I have the same problem.
btw. sorry for my English.

It seems like you are using tri planer but in case you are not using it, you can always send your scene for a quick investigation by starting a ticket from here:

[Max] I need help! / Re: Corona Converter Error Corona 12
« on: 2024-08-09, 10:01:15 »
The hotflix is already released and you can get it from here:

[Max] I need help! / Re: Corona license problems
« on: 2024-08-07, 03:17:05 »
Hello, is only our office experiencing license problems, it shows that license nodes are available but Corona in 3Ds Max doesn't accept it and shows error -197 or -98.

Please send a ticket to our team for any licensing related issues.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Help to create metal texture
« on: 2024-08-06, 12:25:26 »
Yes, correct you can use noise on both roughness and bump....I will advise to use the mix node with your noise and then use it in roughness so you can control its overall effect on reflectivity. You can also turn down its effect from the maps section as well. It will take a bit trial and error to achieve what you are going for but overall this is the way. You can further use some layered shader to addsome subtle dirt, dust and grunge effect but if its a product shoot then you would not want to do this for a cleaner look so it all comes down what you want to achieve. :)

[Max] I need help! / Re: Help to create metal texture
« on: 2024-08-06, 11:57:26 »
what you are doing is correct. Right now you are using a bitmap...if you want a little more control then you can also use uber OSL noise with UVW transform to create the same brushed look. Both approach is good as long as you are getting your desired results. It all depends on how close the camera is going to be and how much detail you actually need.

« on: 2024-08-05, 15:52:54 »
I have started a ticket for you.


[Max] I need help! / Re: Help to create metal texture
« on: 2024-08-05, 12:26:11 »
have you tried finding something similar in Cosmos? Is there any reference to better understand what you are looking for?

Code: [Select]
outputFilePath = "C:\\path\\to\\folder\\rendered_image.cxr"

CoronaRenderer.CoronaFp.dumpVfb outputFilePath

[Max] I need help! / Re: Weird shadow/object problem
« on: 2024-08-05, 12:06:29 »
what if you replace that wall with a simple cube mesh without any modifier and material? do you still see the shadow?

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: add lights to lightmix
« on: 2024-08-05, 11:35:30 »

Can you confirm what you are requesting is same as this user? By any chance, what you are requesting is different?

Let me know.

For any licensing issues, please contact our team by submitting a ticket through this link:

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona12 VFB
« on: 2024-08-05, 10:36:40 »

This is because you are overriding Tone mapping operators from Camera.

Regarding the cursor changing appearance, can you explain it a bit more what is exactly happening?

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