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Messages - frv

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[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: Chaos Licensing Feedback/Help
« on: 2022-02-22, 17:34:00 »
I am going to wait for a proper solution by the Coronarender team. I am sure they will soon come up with something.

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: Chaos Licensing Feedback/Help
« on: 2022-02-19, 18:15:58 »
Th link does not work. Safari can't find the server.

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: Chaos Licensing Feedback/Help
« on: 2022-02-18, 00:38:14 »
Macbook M1
License server does not work.
Any idea how to fix this. I had no ChaosGroup folder, made one and put the vrlclient.xml in but without any luck.
The license server had zero k file size. So I am afraid the installer does not properly provide the license server.
See attachements.

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: Curvature Shader
« on: 2022-02-16, 16:33:45 »
How can I apply a curvature shader in Coronarender v8 in C4D OSX ?

Sorry, had to update my daily build to the latest. Found it now.

I don't fully understand this test. The m1 pro and max seem weird in their test results. Octane although a GPU renderer renders very fast on the mac's. Corona is slower on the max then on the pro ?
Can you post the rendered images ?

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Corona for Apple Silicon M1?
« on: 2022-02-07, 10:42:52 »
C4D and Corona v8 run natively on my MacBook m1. No need for Rosetta.

I will see when it happens again. It usually happens when I have been working for a while on a file that gets larger placing vegatation. I have a feeling its related to the 16Gb on my MacBook m1.
C4D crashes when trying to delete the corona vfb window. C4D becomes unresponsive and I have to force quit it.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / v8 Mac m1 C4D R25.117 corona vfb crash
« on: 2022-02-05, 00:12:53 »
C4D often crashes when you click (little red button on the far top left of the vfb) to quit the corona vfb when its been (interactive)rendering a while. Might be lack of ram since I am testing Graswald assets on my MacBook m1 16Gb.
Although it crashes at particular actions like the one described above its actually all very stable so far.

The transparency setting though also make a lot difference in how a tree looks in its complete rendered image. More so than what you would expect from the transparency. The brightness of color and overal appearance is completely changed by the transparency settings much more than what you see in the video with the example of a potplant.

Tx, that's a all I needed to know. I went through 20 min.of video...

Its hard to find properly set up leaves on vegetation resources I can buy on the web. Maxtree, Graswald etc all are completely off. Also caused by the conversions to Physically based materials and often overly complex settings that make no difference. It makes buying a library at times a bit of a disappointment for all the hassle to get the materials updated.

Thin shell transparency settings v8
Fot the thin shell settings for transparency I would really love to see some explanation for the transparency settings. I am trying to create materials for leaves but it seems hard to set things right for how the other side of the leaf looks.
Any help appreciated.

It wpuld already be better if Bridge would just export C4D standard materials when in C4D Coronarender is set as renderer. Now I have to switch back and forth to standard and corona whenever I export megascans to C4D. If C4D is set as corona the export from Bridge fails

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Layered Material
« on: 2021-12-30, 17:47:11 »
Another example, white cube with same black carpaint material comes from the asset browser as white.
But given the this material from the Corona material library its black. When this material is imported from the asset browser it looses its other layered materials.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Layered Material
« on: 2021-12-30, 17:38:59 »
This bug is still present. I can't copy a carpaint material from one file to another without loossing its settings.
iMac intel, C4D R25.113 OSX Monterey 12.1, CRv8 dailybuild.

Another problem is that these physically based materials like carpaint (layered materials ?) can not be imported to the new C4D asset browser. They loose their settings the same as copy paste into new files.

Its easy to see why. See attachments. The blue carpaint material copies well but the black one not at all. Hope this helps in solving the problem.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: C4D freezes when rotate decall
« on: 2021-12-30, 14:28:31 »
No problem. Maxon is usually very quick with their response and also with a solution.
The link they gave me to the previous update is working well on my m1 as well on my Intel iMac.

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