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Messages - lollolo

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[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Corona texture baking (GI)
« on: 2023-12-07, 13:04:36 »
Just a bump here and hoping we will get it with the next release...

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: Bumping the bump bug
« on: 2023-11-02, 09:22:22 »

I wasn't able to reproduce it, everything working as expected...

Do you have this issue also in IR (interactive rendering) or in final render only?

What do you mean exactly, several cameras which have different settings or do you change (animate) the settings of a single camera?
Do all cameras have a Corona camera tag applied? If you check the camera tag, are the settings there correct?
Also, are you using c4d take manager for rendering?

I have only seen issues with take manager, I can't remember, that I lost the settings otherwise.

Gallery / Re: Hyrule Lost Woods - Full 4k CGI Fan made
« on: 2023-10-25, 15:07:09 »
Wow, amazing, very well done! I would love to see more!

These are final renders in VFB. But it's the same in IR. (didn't check viewport rendering)

What do you mean with “also blurry with Corona Bitmap”? Only Corona Bitmap is blurry, native C4D bitmap is sharp. (Keep in mind, there is a bit jpg compression visible)

And I think this issue is only with Corona bitmaps, I haven't seen this with C4D bitmaps...

/// EDIT

I made a better scene. Left side is native C4D bitmap. Right side is Corona bitmap. Again, please keep in mind that there is jpg compression, and my texture is not perfectly sharp.
Focal length is 15, 36, and 80mm.

Did a quick test too. Simple scene. Two cubes close to the camera, and two cubes around 200m away.
Left side using C4D bitmaps and right side Corona bitmaps.

The only thing that changes is the focal length of the camera. With a focal length of 35, the texture is blurry. With a focal length of 235, both have the same sharpness.

so a script / possibility to automatically convert c4d textures > to corona bitmap would be of great help!

if not a necessity!!


Helpdesk for Corona Bitmap Shader:
I don't see any drawbacks listed.
Corona Bitmap seems to be not working with psd files (I don't use them often anyway)

So why is Corona Bitmap not set as default? Or, if there is a reason to not set it as default, a way to convert all C4D bitmaps to Corona bitmaps would be VERY useful.
I would love to hear from Corona team.

/// And sorry for abusing this thread.

Not a Mac user anymore. But I was wondering and rendered this scene on my Threadripper 3990 Win 10 build.

Using native C4D Bitmaps: 2:15
Using Corona Bitmaps: 1:05

Honestly, I was not aware of such a speed difference between Corona and C4D bitmaps!!
Only downside, the Treeline in the background rendererd very blurry. Changing interpolation didn't help. Is there a known issue for non-square textures? (The tree texture has a resolution of 7000x1138px)
Just wondering, because everything else rendered fine…

You could use Corona Color Correct, it has an option called "Invert colors"

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: LWF - Once more with love
« on: 2023-09-15, 09:31:18 »
Hi Corona Team, the links I posted above don't work anymore, and I can't find an article in the help desk about this topic.
Could you bring these old articles back online?

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: The most wanted feature?
« on: 2023-09-11, 21:56:47 »
I also made a request for Vantage support, I think it would be very helpful in combination with Corona. Corona is super, but sometimes it would be handy to have something faster, for preview or animations with tight budget.
Would I be willing to pay additional for Vantage? Sure! I don't expect two render engines for the price of one.  But I'm a bit surprised how much it costs. As reference:
Corona 323
V-Ray 419
Redshift 274
Octane 240
D5 360

Vantage 599? More than any render engine above? I would have expected something between 300-400. 600 Seems overpriced.
It is the price of a very, very mature engine, with all the features you ever wanted. I don't know if this is the case... Maybe it will be in a few years?!
Would I still pay it? Maybe. Or I would switch to a cheaper engine. I don't know... What do others think?

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Corona texture baking (GI)
« on: 2023-08-13, 22:33:01 »
I also want to bump this request, I hope we get this missing feature in the next release!

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